31. januar 2010

Goodbye Dark, Hello Light!

(I'll start apologizing for this long post. I know it's more fun to read the smaller ones more often, than the bigger once, only here and then.)

January's over! In a couple of hours..
I'm not sad at all, seeing this month being over.

It's been ups and downs and times keep telling yourself to be positive. In the beginning of the month, it was hard to see an end to it, hard to see time pass by, but "time passes even when it seems impossible. even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. it passes, unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging tulls, pass it does. even for me, it passes." (I like that quote)
But I did what I could do to make it get better. Of course I couldn't change the dark, coooold, weather and the way everything is, but I could start Track and stuff like that, so I wouldn't sit at home any more - and I did. And everything is just wonderful now :-)

I have had the funniest weekend.
Yesterday I went shopping with Denisa. We went to Greenwood, to the Mall.
My Sociology teacher always say the Mall is the best place to observe people and it is really funny to think about. I was sitting outside a fitting room and waiting for Denisa, and looking around (yes, I'm a dork.) Next to me was sitting the impatient boyfriend waiting. He called his mother, 'cause he was so bored :-P
Then there's the last minute shoppers, out to find a birthday present or something. The annoyed mothers with their kids running around. The middle schoolers that try to be older than they are. The "cool" kids. The gangs. The teenagers, just out for a fun afternoon with their friends. The dads and boyfriends, trying to find gifts. I could keep going for ever, but it was a lot of fun and I bought a looot of things :-P
After that we went to her house and I spend the night there.

Sunday, Nich and Mikinzie picked me up from Denisas, and we went Prom dress shopping.
After HOURS (and last weekend) I found "my" dress. It is purple, long, very simple, relaxed, nothing big dragging peoples attention specially to me, just very Mette. (:
After that we went out and ate lunch and took crazy pictures in the photo-booth at the Mall. I had so much fun today, and I'm just in a really good mood, having such great friends every where!
By the way. The Indianapolis Colts are in the Superbowl (Football) and Mikinzie invited me to her Superbowl party/watching on Sunday. It's gonna be fun.

- Pictures on Facebook soon.... I think!

It was the longest month, but "time still passes" and when I look back on it, it's been flying by, like the rest of this year. It's crazy.


20. januar 2010

Track (conditioning)

Hey guys.
So I haven't done any Sport for almost a year, and then I decided to try Track. Track (and Field) is in Danish Atletik. Track is "løb" and Fiels is the rest. Just to make that clear.
Right now there's Track conditioning, to get in shape for Track, so I went to that for the first time today and I'll have to say wow, I'm in really bad shape, but it's all okay, that's what I'm at conditioning for :-)
It was a lot of fun, and it made me feel all nice and healthy afterwards, it gives this nice soreness - the good kind of pain, because you know why it's there! He he.
But it was hard, but hey, I'll get better, hopefully.
I haven't fully decided if I wanna do Track yet, but now I'm trying it out.

I might help out with the Spring Play too, I want to do more 'cause I'm tired of sitting at home, but now I might not even have time for that :-) He he. My teacher said I could probably even help assistant direct it (I didn't wanna be IN the play, 'cause I'm gonna miss a lot of rehearsal) but I'll talk to her again tomorrow and see if I can get Spring Play helping worked in to my schedule :-P

Monday: Choir - 4, maybe a little Spring Play if I'm going to do that
Tuesday: Nothing, but Miranda has dance, so if I can find a ride home, I can do the Spring Play here too, but probably not.
Wednesday: Track Conditioning
Thursday: I can help with the Spring Play + Dance at 8
Friday: Track - if I can find a ride..

That's how I think it's gonna look right now, but I don't know how it's gonna be when the "real" Track Practice starts in February. We'll see!

Take care and have fun!
Hugs and .. more hugs,

14. januar 2010


5 months and 9 days behind me and 5 months and 9 days in front of me in this wonderful place :-)

Till now, it's been the best experience of my life, it's an amazing opportunity and I'm so thankful for me getting it! And I'm even so lucky that this was only the beginning, I'm only halfway through!

I'll see you again quite soon, fellows!
Keep reading, 'cause I'm getting pretty good at these small notes.
XOXO Mette.

7. januar 2010

Finally I get something back from the weather!

It's 6.50 am. and I'm NOT on my way to school : D
We have a 2-hour delay because of the snow, so they can fix the roads before all these High School kids come out and drive on them, nice!

Finally it's a little better to suffer in the cooold weather!

5. januar 2010


Sorry.. I was wrong. 5 months today :-)

But now I'm writing anyway I'll add that I found my excuse for not coming home again today. I heard on the radio that a Danish homepage (beautiful-people.com or something) had deleted 5000 people from their page after the people had gained weight over Christmas, so.. When I get to Denmark and have gained weight you'll probably kick me out :-)
So I'll just not come home.
Just need a new Visa :-P

Take care!
Hug an exchange student today! (It's that day today)
Mette - Mettie - Maddie - Mad - Mett - Matte or whatever people think my name is, when they see it for the first time.

4. januar 2010


New Year. New Semester. New Classes. New People. New Start? NEW!

It's January 4th, in case you didn't know. Look how good I am at the whole 'updating-my-blog'! I should be proud, ha ha.

Today school started again.
My schedule now looks like:
1st (7.30-8.20) Jewelry - hopefully they'll have my schedule changed AWAY from that by tomorrow, 'cause I would rather have a study hall/teacher's assistant class than being in this class with the most boring teacher (after my U. S. History teacher), hearing him calling me Maddie every day, and.. getting another final over stuff I've never learned?
2nd (8.25-9.29) Sociology - (longer because of the Chanel 1 news, the last 15. minutes). The teacher seemed Really nice and said my name right without me even saying it first! It's the first teacher doing that over here :-) but I think it's gonna be a hard(er) class. Nice though, feel like I need some challenge.
3rd (9.34-10.24) Speech I - also seems like a nice class, the teacher is the drama/theater art teacher too and the teacher for the drama club and she's really nice :-) I think it's gonna be fun!
4th (10.29-11.19) U. S. History - same old teacher, same old notes, worksheets, assignments... or not the same information, but the same kind of style. Boring! And now they're making his old room into a "21st century room" - nobody really knows what - and he's just in what ever room is free that period. 107 for me. I went to 212 as my schedule said, but there was nobody there - nice!
5th (11.24-12.14) English 11 - same teacher, same, same, same.. Fine class, not very hard.
12.14-12.44 - 3rd LUNCH : D somebody "stole" "our" table! We'll get it back tomorrow ;-)
6ts (12.49-13.39) Algebra I - still 7th grade math. I'm thinking about whether I should be in there still or not. It's so easy and kinda boring, but I do wanna have some kinda math. and don't wanna change my whole schedule around if I can't get another math. class in that period.
7th (13.44-14.34) Choir - still easy choir and not very good-sounding, but now I'm in "Verbalessence" which is another girls group meeting every Monday after school. We started today, and it's cool! Almost everybody is from the two top choirs and we're singing all the music our self. It was just cool :-) So now I'm in a bad choir and a good choir :-P
We sing this song in the new choir (click here to hear it) All the "dums" in the background will be us singing too :-)

So that's my day - every day - 18 more weeks. Only.......... :-(
I would wish there was a way I could stay just one more year. There's so many cool things going on at school next year, and I wouldn't mind staying. But I would like to see everybody at home too.... I don't know, I just.. Maybe going home right before Christmas next year :-) That would fit me better :-P

Tomorrow I've been here for 6 months! Feels like.. 6 weeks? No, it seems like I've been here forever and then on the other side it seems like I just arrived.
But it's been a good half year! Bring ups and downs and little bumps in the road, but nothing major and over all it's been one of the best half years of my life, something I'll Never forget!

If somebody reading this is ever considering it - do it!
That's all I have to say for now.

Take care everybody, see you soon!
(Pretty sure I'm leaving here on June 23rd and will be in Denmark by June 24th)
XOXO Mette

P.S. It's only -9 C now.... ONLY? It's gonna be a long winter!

2. januar 2010

It's cooooooold!!

First.. I lied last time; I ended up going to the YFU party at New Years and it was okay. We had a little fireworks at midnight and then we watched movies, played games and.. talked? I didn't sleep to much, both because we didn't and because the bit we did, I slept in a chair all crumpled up. I tried to lay on the floor instead, but it only lasted a little while, then it got too cold. It was a fun night, okay at least, but nothing like we celebrate New Years Eve in Denmark of course.. That's life :-)
So when I got picked up on Friday, I went straight to Lauren's house and spent the night there. Today I got back home and got a shower before I was supposed to leave for babysitting in the evening. (I had a couple of hours at home first), but the plans changed and we (me and Miranda) didn't need to babysit anyway. I baked some brownies and cup cakes in small Danish-flagged forms.

So I just wanted to say that real fast :-)

Other than that.. It's really cold!
The warmest I've seen today was -9 C at like 2pm.
Now it's almost 11pm and -16 C! (3 F) And it's getting colder... Oh, how I'm not looking forward to the next couple of months - or how I'm looking forward to spend them INSIDE. And I always thought the Danish winters was cold, but I changed my mind :-)
Remind me not to complain about the cold next year, and not to complain about getting up at.. 6.30? In the mornings. Just remind me of -16 degrees at January 2nd and getting up at 5.30, then I'll probably not complain (maybe I will.. I know myself - I'll probably come up with an excuse for still complaining) Ha ha.

Otherwise, stay warm, enjoy, take care, have fun, smile - laugh, and write me some updates even though I might not have the time to write back. Who knows, some day I might :-) He he.
Love, hugs and warm thoughts, Mette