Just wanted to wish everybody a Happy New Year.
I know it's already 2010 in Denmark, but I still have a couple of hours.
I just came home from skiing.
I only fell the first time, 'cause it was scary and so I sad down.. Not really falling.
And then one other time, but it was when I came down the hill :-P
It was fun to try, but I stayed on the smaller hills, ha ha.
It's almost 8pm.
There was a YFU party, but I didn't know what time we would be done skiing and stuff, so I didn't go - obviously :-)
So I'm staying here. Some of Mike's friends are probably coming over and doing some fireworks and then I'm gonna see the "Apple Fall" in TV from Times Square, New York City at midnight. Apple vs. Rådhusuret :-)
I don't really know.
It's weird missing out on the Danish traditions (and for the 2nd time in my life, not having New Years with Nanna) but it's still a fun experience and I don't regret it in any way! It's amazing.
And in a half year I'll be back in little Denmark again - kinda crazy to think about?
Anyways - again have a good night and a good start of the New Year.
Take care of yourself and don't get in trouble :-)
2010-Hugs from Indiana, USA
31. december 2009
24. december 2009
American Christmas
It's December 25th and it's Christmas.. Hm!
Something is wrong here?
Yesterday was .. different. Waking up to a relaxed day instead of running around from one Christmas tradition to another. Eating normal food instead of the piles of food the Danes have on Christmas. Meet Santa Claus .. you know :-)
I did open some presents though, and my presents from Denmark.
It was.. overwhelming at first, but talking to my family in Denmark and seeing them happy, having a good time - being okay helped a lot and made me happy enough to enjoy another experience.
But even more crazy than not having Christmas the 24th was having Christmas on the 25th :-P
Christmas in the morning!
I'll admit that I'm not the best person to get up in the morning (but I've seen worse..) but we didn't get up till around 8.30 and went in to open presents.
The rest of the day was pretty relaxed, movies, looking at presents - family :-)
I got a whooooooole lot of presents! From everybody, every corner of the world. Thanks everybody!
Hope everybody had a wonderful holiday!
Thousands of Christmas hugs from
Something is wrong here?
Yesterday was .. different. Waking up to a relaxed day instead of running around from one Christmas tradition to another. Eating normal food instead of the piles of food the Danes have on Christmas. Meet Santa Claus .. you know :-)
I did open some presents though, and my presents from Denmark.
It was.. overwhelming at first, but talking to my family in Denmark and seeing them happy, having a good time - being okay helped a lot and made me happy enough to enjoy another experience.
But even more crazy than not having Christmas the 24th was having Christmas on the 25th :-P
Christmas in the morning!
I'll admit that I'm not the best person to get up in the morning (but I've seen worse..) but we didn't get up till around 8.30 and went in to open presents.
The rest of the day was pretty relaxed, movies, looking at presents - family :-)
I got a whooooooole lot of presents! From everybody, every corner of the world. Thanks everybody!
Hope everybody had a wonderful holiday!
Thousands of Christmas hugs from
16. december 2009
So, Christmas is coming up!
I'm really excited, 'cause you know.. It's Christmas :-)
I love opening all the present-calender-things I've got from Denmark!
At first my chocolate calender, of course. And mom and dads, every day with Miranda. And Laura and Mette's weird, random stuff that mostly doesn't really make sense. And K.15's every 2nd day, with fun Danish candy or things like that, it's all very exciting!
Yesterday, I went Christmas shopping with Nikki and Megan, from school. It was sooo much fun.. We went to Plainfield and around there and went out to eat, just driving around. So I got most of my Christmas presents bought. That's good!

Other than that..?
I started at dance, Hip Hop over here. It's much more different from my Funk than I thought, and I feel really bad at it, but I'm giving it a chance. (:
This weekend I went to the YFU Christmas party, we were only around 10 students, but we did still have fun. We exchanged presents and I got hand towels!

Sunday, we went to Washington, Indiana for the first family Christmas, that was "hyggeligt" (:
Haha. It was nice, fun to meet more people.
2 days till Christmas break! : D
2 more finals to go.
We have final exams this week (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.) Normally you would have 7, but since one of my classes is a Study Hall I don't have a final there.
Other than that if you miss one day or less at school you get "Exam Exemptions." Freshmen get 1, Sophomores 2, and Juniors and Seniors 3, so I got 3.
So I exempted English 11, U. S. History and Nutrition & Wellness, so the finals I have to take is Algebra (Math. I learned in like 7th grade), Art/Drawing, and Choir (I took that today, it was easy! Sight reading and rhythms).
The Finals I'm exempting just mean I don't get a grade for it, the Finals normally get counted into the rest of you grade, kinda like a test, you for more point, but I just don't get a grade, so since I have A's in everything now, I should probably end up with A's in everything (unless I do something really stupid in Art or Math. but that's not gonna happen) : D
Hope it makes sense. At least a little.
Other..? I got my class ring! It's pretty.
That must be it for now..
Take care and enjoy the Christmas!
Thousands of December hugs from Mette.
I'm really excited, 'cause you know.. It's Christmas :-)
I love opening all the present-calender-things I've got from Denmark!
At first my chocolate calender, of course. And mom and dads, every day with Miranda. And Laura and Mette's weird, random stuff that mostly doesn't really make sense. And K.15's every 2nd day, with fun Danish candy or things like that, it's all very exciting!
Yesterday, I went Christmas shopping with Nikki and Megan, from school. It was sooo much fun.. We went to Plainfield and around there and went out to eat, just driving around. So I got most of my Christmas presents bought. That's good!
Other than that..?
I started at dance, Hip Hop over here. It's much more different from my Funk than I thought, and I feel really bad at it, but I'm giving it a chance. (:
This weekend I went to the YFU Christmas party, we were only around 10 students, but we did still have fun. We exchanged presents and I got hand towels!

Sunday, we went to Washington, Indiana for the first family Christmas, that was "hyggeligt" (:
Haha. It was nice, fun to meet more people.
2 days till Christmas break! : D
2 more finals to go.
We have final exams this week (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.) Normally you would have 7, but since one of my classes is a Study Hall I don't have a final there.
Other than that if you miss one day or less at school you get "Exam Exemptions." Freshmen get 1, Sophomores 2, and Juniors and Seniors 3, so I got 3.
So I exempted English 11, U. S. History and Nutrition & Wellness, so the finals I have to take is Algebra (Math. I learned in like 7th grade), Art/Drawing, and Choir (I took that today, it was easy! Sight reading and rhythms).
The Finals I'm exempting just mean I don't get a grade for it, the Finals normally get counted into the rest of you grade, kinda like a test, you for more point, but I just don't get a grade, so since I have A's in everything now, I should probably end up with A's in everything (unless I do something really stupid in Art or Math. but that's not gonna happen) : D
Hope it makes sense. At least a little.
Other..? I got my class ring! It's pretty.
That must be it for now..
Take care and enjoy the Christmas!
Thousands of December hugs from Mette.
1. december 2009
So, I started this post out in Danish, but after writing four pages U. S. History in English (of course) I couldn't really figure the whole Danish part out. I know there's still a lot of mistakes in my English, but at least it makes since? :)
Last Thursday was my very first Thanksgiving and it was awesome!
At noon we ate at our house. I would compare American Thanksgiving to Danish Christmas, talking about the food 'cause we both eat a lot of traditional food - turkey/duck, potato/potato :-)
So I ate a lot and went to Sarah's (host cousin) @ 6pm. for desert.
Miranda, Adele, Sarah and me stayed and at 10.30pm we went shopping.
Friday is "Black Friday," the day where the stores start the Christmas season with big sales and door busters, so people are standing in lines for hours, some places days to get the big sales.
We went to Edinburg and bought a lot of clothes and were done at about 1 or 2 am. Then we went to Walmart and found the stuff we should get and waited in line for it till 5am when they opened. We kept going places till around 11am.
It's incredible! To stay up all night, and then for shopping :-) And see how crazy people can get, trying to get what they need.
Other than that? I'm learning some Slovak, from the other exchange student at school:
Hey, my name is Mette, I'm fifteen years old. I'm an exchange student. I'm from Denmark=
Ahoj, volám sa Mette, mám pätnást rokov. Som výmenný študent. Som z Dánska.
Pretty cool, huh? I can pronounce it too and say other stuff :-) We have a lot of fun. Over all I just have a lot of fun with everybody. I've got a lot of good friends and I'm just having

Last Thursday was my very first Thanksgiving and it was awesome!
At noon we ate at our house. I would compare American Thanksgiving to Danish Christmas, talking about the food 'cause we both eat a lot of traditional food - turkey/duck, potato/potato :-)
So I ate a lot and went to Sarah's (host cousin) @ 6pm. for desert.
Miranda, Adele, Sarah and me stayed and at 10.30pm we went shopping.
Friday is "Black Friday," the day where the stores start the Christmas season with big sales and door busters, so people are standing in lines for hours, some places days to get the big sales.
We went to Edinburg and bought a lot of clothes and were done at about 1 or 2 am. Then we went to Walmart and found the stuff we should get and waited in line for it till 5am when they opened. We kept going places till around 11am.
It's incredible! To stay up all night, and then for shopping :-) And see how crazy people can get, trying to get what they need.
Other than that? I'm learning some Slovak, from the other exchange student at school:
Hey, my name is Mette, I'm fifteen years old. I'm an exchange student. I'm from Denmark=
Ahoj, volám sa Mette, mám pätnást rokov. Som výmenný študent. Som z Dánska.
Pretty cool, huh? I can pronounce it too and say other stuff :-) We have a lot of fun. Over all I just have a lot of fun with everybody. I've got a lot of good friends and I'm just having
T H E T I M E O F M Y L I F E !!
Take care!
See you in half a year or so... <3
See you in half a year or so... <3
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