1. december 2009


So, I started this post out in Danish, but after writing four pages U. S. History in English (of course) I couldn't really figure the whole Danish part out. I know there's still a lot of mistakes in my English, but at least it makes since? :)

Last Thursday was my very first Thanksgiving and it was awesome!
At noon we ate at our house. I would compare American Thanksgiving to Danish Christmas, talking about the food 'cause we both eat a lot of traditional food - turkey/duck, potato/potato :-)
So I ate a lot and went to Sarah's (host cousin) @ 6pm. for desert.
Miranda, Adele, Sarah and me stayed and at 10.30pm we went shopping.

Friday is "Black Friday," the day where the stores start the Christmas season with big sales and door busters, so people are standing in lines for hours, some places days to get the big sales.
We went to Edinburg and bought a lot of clothes and were done at about 1 or 2 am. Then we went to Walmart and found the stuff we should get and waited in line for it till 5am when they opened. We kept going places till around 11am.
It's incredible! To stay up all night, and then for shopping :-) And see how crazy people can get, trying to get what they need.

Other than that? I'm learning some Slovak, from the other exchange student at school:
Hey, my name is Mette, I'm fifteen years old. I'm an exchange student. I'm from Denmark=
Ahoj, volám sa Mette, mám pätnást rokov. Som výmenný študent. Som z Dánska.
Pretty cool, huh? I can pronounce it too and say other stuff :-) We have a lot of fun. Over all I just have a lot of fun with everybody. I've got a lot of good friends and I'm just having

T H E T I M E O F M Y L I F E !!

Take care!
See you in half a year or so... <3

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