7. marts 2010

Over 7 months!

I didn't even realize it.
Every other month of this year I've noticed that "today I've been here for 3 months" or 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 months, but it wasn't till I saw two other blog posts saying "7 months" that I realized it this time.
7 months! That's such a long time?

So I looked through my old pictures from the year, some bringing fun memories, some less fun.
Have I experienced what I wanted to? I guess. I didn't really have that big expectations. I've got a lot of great friends - both in Mooresville, but also all over the world. After some trouble in the beginning, I've ended up in an amazing family. My English is a lot better than when I left Denmark. I've seen A LOT of the country, much more than I thought I would see. I've grown with the experience in every possible way, both in age, maturity, hight and weight :) And whatever else you can come up with. I found sides of myself I'd never seen before and 'got to know them.' I learned that things will follow you no matter where you go. It's hard to explain.

I've got to know American culture, and yes it is like the movies.. Most of the time.
America is definitely the land of gossip! If you don't want everybody to know something, you keep it to yourself. Completely! Not even that best friend you thought would keep the secret. Give it some time and ask another friend if they know, I bet you they do.
Fastfood. What can I say. It's true, it's fat, and good.. Once in a while!!
High School. Yes. Groups. Lunch tables. Lunch. Lockers. Crowded hall. Bathroom passes. Grades on everything. Detention (I haven't had any!). Suspension from school. ISS - In School Suspension. Yes. All true.
Car Culture. Definitely. And even if you could take your bike somewhere (didn't like in the middle of nowhere) I'd be scared to get killed :P
Big! Yes, everything IS huuuuuuuuuuuge.

But as I've seen other students post too, there's definitely one thing I've learned more than anything else. What I have in Denmark.
I've learned to love my bike and my public transportation. My food. My CITY LIFE! My friends. My school system! My life. But most of all:
I have learned that I have the best parents and the best brothers, the best grandparents, the best family you could ever imagine. I've learned how much they care about me, support me, is there for me and I can't even describe it. I love you!!

I'll try to be a lot better to write again!
Be careful everybody, take care! I hope you're still having a wonderful time too!
Love Mette

1 kommentar:

  1. I do surely agree with you. A very indepth post with a lot interesting facts.

    Here in Brazil I'm missing my family a h*** lot. Not that I'm not enjoying, or doesn't have any friends, it's just when I find a tiny piece of time alone with myself and my thoughts, the tears are pressing, the heart is pumping - it's undescribeable, if you haven't been in the situation. But you have, and you have learned from it, which is why I'm sharing this with you.

    I'll love do see you back in Denmark in Juni. 'Till there.

    Hugs and kisses,



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