Since January I’ve been in both Track and Verbalessence, which is the after-school girls choir. Track ended a couple of weeks ago, I ran in my last meet May 6th, and after Senior Night on May 11th I was done, since I didn’t have to run in Sectionals. Senior Night was the last meet at home and before the meet start they recognize all the Seniors, by walking them up to stand in front of the stands and one by one, tell a little bit about them. After saying my name right, they did get almost everything else wrong, so it was pretty funny. “Next year Mette will be attending the international school of Denmark, studying international studies.” I don’t really know where that came from, since all I wrote on the paper was that I would be attending an international school IN Denmark..
I also had the last choir concert. With Sensations, the choir I have 7th period every day, out last concert was at Spring Spec.
Spring Spec. (Spring Spectacular) is a big choir show/concert at school. It is both Friday, and Saturday night, and we had dress rehearsal Thursday night. Personally I was performing two songs with Verbalessence, one song “the Senior Song” with all the Seniors, three songs with Sensations (I had a little solo in the first one), and then the big “finale” song, with all the choirs together. It was a great night, especially Saturday.
Earlier Saturday, I had been at the last orientation with YFU and because I had to leave earlier to get back to school, I didn’t really get to say goodbye to my friends, I mean we gave each other a hug and stuff, but it was fast, ‘cause they were in the middle of the orientation. So when I came to school, I was already a little bummed out, plus I had got the wrong time, so even though I was ten minutes early, I was ten minutes late (with many others) and I didn’t have time to change into the dress I was going to wear for the Senior Picture. We still got the picture taken, all the Seniors together, and then we all ran around, trying to finish getting ready.
By the end of the night, for the very last song, all the Seniors stand together on stage, while all the others choirs are behind us, and around the auditorium singing the last song. Most of the Seniors starts crying, because it is their last performance, like out last concert with choir in Denmark last year, and when it’s all over everybody is walking around hugging each other, giving each other flowers and crying. We were all sad, I was more because it hit me that it was about over now, this was the end of my year, and in a little bit I had to go home, but it didn’t take long till I was in a good mood again, since so many people came over and hugged me, said how much fun they had had, that they were going to miss me so much … It just makes you feel happy, to have met so many nice people and met so many new friends in one year.

It’s a little crazy to think about leaving, as I’m writing this down today, May 23rd, there’s one month till I’m leaving. In a month I’ll be sitting in Chicago, meeting all the Danish exchange students again, and together leaving for Frankfurt and Copenhagen.
I’m going to miss everything so much, especially because I knew when I left Denmark, I would be back to my life again in a year, but leaving here, I can only come back and visit, I won’t come “back to my life.”
See you soon!
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