Det var så det - det var det hele..
10 måneder og 18 dage - 46 uger - 322 dage.
Jeg har sagt det hele før, og det har bestemt ikke ændret sig siden jeg kom hjem: Det var et fantastisk år. Hvis noget tror jeg det bliver bedre og bedre jo mere jeg tænker tilbage og jo længere jeg kommer væk.
Jeg har været tilbage i 9 dage nu og jeg må indrømme jeg tænker meget på om det nogensinde kommer til at føles "normalt" igen, eller hvornår?
Lige nu vil jeg sige at komme hjem har været det hårdeste på året. Jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal reagere til forskellige ting og tage forhold til det. Det er lidt som at være fremmet i 'dit eget land.'
I mandags havde jeg en masse venner komme forbi i løbet af dagen, og da jeg endelig sad ned på mit værelse om aftenen og kiggede rundt på mine ting, mit rod og mine "hjemlige rammer" ramte det lidt hårdt. Jeg er hjemme, og jeg kan ikke tage forhold til det lige nu.
Alle prøver at forstå, og det sætter jeg selvfølgelig pris på, men jeg tror ikke de kan. Især det sidste halve år, efter jul, efter flyttet, efter jeg var faldet til, har jeg for det meste været Så glad, Så positiv og elsket den person jeg var - været så selvsikker.
Da jeg mødte alle de gamle venner på en gang, som havde sagt at selvfølgelig havde jeg forandret mig - det forstod de... var det som om de alligevel alle sammen så mig som 'den gamle Mette.' Selvfølgelig var det rart at det føltes som om jeg ikke havde været væk i et år, men på den anden side skræmte det mig virkelig. Alt det arbejde på at "være et bedre menneske" lige ud af vinduet?
Jeg er glad for at være med mine forældre igen; jeg elsker dem jo, men jeg ved bare ikke hvordan jeg skal være nogen steder lige nu. Jeg føler jeg har brug for tid til at få styr på det hele, falde til ro, føle mig rigtig hjemme og så begynde at åbne mig op igen, og jeg det er rigtig svært for mange at forstå.
Men jeg er sikker på at når det får lidt tid, når jeg starter på Nørre G., og det starter på en frisk igen, at det nok skal blive godt og det hele kan løsne sig lidt op.
Jeg håber I har fået lidt ud af at følge med på min blog i år - det har i hvert fald været vildt dejligt at kunne dele mine oplevelser og også på en måde bruge det her som en dagbog.
Pas godt på jer selv og hav det godt.
For nu,
3. juli 2010
22. juni 2010
Last day...
Today is my last day in Indiana, my last day in the USA - at least for now.
I don't think I've ever felt so empty in a way; not feeling anything. Why not? I don't know what to feel! It's like yesterday when I was in Kastrup saying goodbye, and tomorrow I'll have to do the same thing, only difference; this time I don't know when I'll see you again.
It's gone by so fast.
There was a time in the winter when I was half way through and thought it'd been a long time, but looking back over the year it just flew by!
And then now I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to feel. I've tried to pack down a life that I won't get back again, but there won't ever be suitcases big enough to carry this experience. At this point, being an exchange student is the best decision I have ever made, and I wouldn't take it back for Anything!
I feel happy. Happy for being here, happy for the opportunity, happy for everything I've gotten from this, but at the same time I'm so sad that I have to give it up now - it's too early. I'm excited, because I get to see everybody again so soon, but nervous for the change. Everything I feel has an opposite I feel too, and it makes me feel empty; not feeling anything.
I'm just gonna enjoy the last hours I have in this amazing place before the horrible day tomorrow is going to be. And then Thursday I'm home.....
See you soon.
Love, Mette.
I don't think I've ever felt so empty in a way; not feeling anything. Why not? I don't know what to feel! It's like yesterday when I was in Kastrup saying goodbye, and tomorrow I'll have to do the same thing, only difference; this time I don't know when I'll see you again.
It's gone by so fast.
There was a time in the winter when I was half way through and thought it'd been a long time, but looking back over the year it just flew by!
And then now I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to feel. I've tried to pack down a life that I won't get back again, but there won't ever be suitcases big enough to carry this experience. At this point, being an exchange student is the best decision I have ever made, and I wouldn't take it back for Anything!
I feel happy. Happy for being here, happy for the opportunity, happy for everything I've gotten from this, but at the same time I'm so sad that I have to give it up now - it's too early. I'm excited, because I get to see everybody again so soon, but nervous for the change. Everything I feel has an opposite I feel too, and it makes me feel empty; not feeling anything.
I'm just gonna enjoy the last hours I have in this amazing place before the horrible day tomorrow is going to be. And then Thursday I'm home.....
See you soon.
Love, Mette.
15. juni 2010
Since I leave the United States in 10 days, I thought I should make this post, who knows, it might be my last one from over here :(
A lot of things have changed since I left Denmark 312 days ago, especially me. My height has changed, my weight has changed, my hair has changed, my nails have changed.. I don’t think you want me to go on :) But most of all my personality has changed.
I have always seen myself as a happy person, at least until I got hit by some teenage years. When I look back on how I got so grumpy when I was tired and let everybody feel it, or just on all the stupid arguments and girl-drama, I can’t help but laugh a little and think; was that really me. Winston Churchill said: “a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. I might have been more of a pessimist before, at least some days, but I’d really describe me as an optimist now. I’m so happy, and I love to see how just by smiling, you can make other people smile. Could you see how perfect a world it would be, if people just smiled all the time - at least pretended :)
It’s been a long year, but it’s gone by way to fast. The fall, especially, was long. It was hard to sit in a situation where you should decide if you should leave the family you were in, give everything up, and start over, or if you should stay a place you didn’t fit in, but even though it was some long nights, I did the right thing and moved in with the most lovely host family!
It took time to get used to the limited freedom here; not because I wasn’t aloud to do things, but because of me not being aloud to drive, and then living so far away from town and school, but it all worked out in the end. I’ve missed being able to open my door and being in the middle of everything, or just being able to take my bike, or public transportation and go wherever the wind blows, but it’s definitely part of the experience!
I’ve grown stronger, learned to know my strength and weaknesses, got to know my limits, when it’s enough for me, I’ve gotten smarter in a lot of way, I think, but even though there’s all these changes, I’m still Mette.
I’m still just a 16 year old girl starting in 1i at Nørre Gymnasium in August, starting something new, and having to figure out how “to do that.” I’m still me; I just have another experience in my luggage, another view at the world; at life.
- Be prepared :) hahaha.
Love you all,
P.s. I posted another post today too (Tornado Warning) don’t forget to read that!
A lot of things have changed since I left Denmark 312 days ago, especially me. My height has changed, my weight has changed, my hair has changed, my nails have changed.. I don’t think you want me to go on :) But most of all my personality has changed.
I have always seen myself as a happy person, at least until I got hit by some teenage years. When I look back on how I got so grumpy when I was tired and let everybody feel it, or just on all the stupid arguments and girl-drama, I can’t help but laugh a little and think; was that really me. Winston Churchill said: “a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. I might have been more of a pessimist before, at least some days, but I’d really describe me as an optimist now. I’m so happy, and I love to see how just by smiling, you can make other people smile. Could you see how perfect a world it would be, if people just smiled all the time - at least pretended :)
It’s been a long year, but it’s gone by way to fast. The fall, especially, was long. It was hard to sit in a situation where you should decide if you should leave the family you were in, give everything up, and start over, or if you should stay a place you didn’t fit in, but even though it was some long nights, I did the right thing and moved in with the most lovely host family!
It took time to get used to the limited freedom here; not because I wasn’t aloud to do things, but because of me not being aloud to drive, and then living so far away from town and school, but it all worked out in the end. I’ve missed being able to open my door and being in the middle of everything, or just being able to take my bike, or public transportation and go wherever the wind blows, but it’s definitely part of the experience!
I’ve grown stronger, learned to know my strength and weaknesses, got to know my limits, when it’s enough for me, I’ve gotten smarter in a lot of way, I think, but even though there’s all these changes, I’m still Mette.
I’m still just a 16 year old girl starting in 1i at Nørre Gymnasium in August, starting something new, and having to figure out how “to do that.” I’m still me; I just have another experience in my luggage, another view at the world; at life.
- Be prepared :) hahaha.
Love you all,
P.s. I posted another post today too (Tornado Warning) don’t forget to read that!
Tornado Warning
Yesterday I got an experience I probably had to have after staying a year in Indiana; my first tornado warning.
I’d been at Open Houses all day, and been home maybe an hour if.. When I got a text from my friend saying “Tornado Warning, one’s already been spotted west of Martinsville.” I told Melissa and we turned on the news, and true enough, there was a warning out for Morgan and Johnson county.
There’s two things; a tornado watch and a warning. A watch is when there’s a chance for tornadoes, but no reporting of any yet, and then a warning, where you have to go to the basement, or a room with four walls - none of them outside walls, no windows. We went to the hallway, closed the doors and turned the radio on, and sat there listening to the radio from Martinsville saying they lost power because of all the fallen trees, and stuff, so we just sad and heard the wind blow hard, but nothing so “the walls shook” or anything, and then finally they canceled it and nothing happened. There was one in Mooresville too, but I haven’t heard of anybody hurt.
Following that we got a huge thunder storm, but that I am getting pretty used to J
So everything well from here, just another new experience.
I’d been at Open Houses all day, and been home maybe an hour if.. When I got a text from my friend saying “Tornado Warning, one’s already been spotted west of Martinsville.” I told Melissa and we turned on the news, and true enough, there was a warning out for Morgan and Johnson county.
There’s two things; a tornado watch and a warning. A watch is when there’s a chance for tornadoes, but no reporting of any yet, and then a warning, where you have to go to the basement, or a room with four walls - none of them outside walls, no windows. We went to the hallway, closed the doors and turned the radio on, and sat there listening to the radio from Martinsville saying they lost power because of all the fallen trees, and stuff, so we just sad and heard the wind blow hard, but nothing so “the walls shook” or anything, and then finally they canceled it and nothing happened. There was one in Mooresville too, but I haven’t heard of anybody hurt.
Following that we got a huge thunder storm, but that I am getting pretty used to J
So everything well from here, just another new experience.
1. juni 2010
I know
I know it’s been a long time, I’m sorry. My internet is not working, so that’s why I’m not answering e-mails etc. If you send me a message on Facebook though, I get it as a text on my self phone, so you can always do that instead.
I have been waiting for the internet to work again, so I could get in and write to you, but since I don’t think it’s going to, I figured I would start writing different posts for my blog, save them to my computer, and then one day go to McDonalds or some other place with free internet to post them, so don’t forget to read the other stories I’ve put in today, they’re saved separately.
See you REALLY SOON now!
Love you, Mette
I have been waiting for the internet to work again, so I could get in and write to you, but since I don’t think it’s going to, I figured I would start writing different posts for my blog, save them to my computer, and then one day go to McDonalds or some other place with free internet to post them, so don’t forget to read the other stories I’ve put in today, they’re saved separately.
See you REALLY SOON now!
Love you, Mette
Graduation Open House
Today me and Mike had our Open House. Everybody/most people have it a day around Graduation. Some people started last week and they go all the way through June. Like we drive around town and stop by the different houses, here it’s just bigger and longer.
There were a bunch of people having theirs today, so ours lasted (officially) from 4-11pm, even though the last people really didn’t leave till midnight. Yes, it was really Mike’s. I just tagged along, since I “graduated” too.
So I had passed out invitations at school, but a lot of people forgot or had other plans. I good group of my friends showed up though, and I had a good time.
We had a ton of food, and now a ton of leftovers, bouncy-things, to jump on, and they each had a little game on them. It’s hard to describe. One had a basketball goal in each end, but you were tied together in a big bouncy court in the middle, so it was about pulling the hardest and be the first to slam dunk the ball into the goal.
It was a lot of fun, and since I was outside setting up from about 10am and then didn’t get back in till around midnight, it was reeeeeeeeeally hot, but nice (about 30C) and I did get a little more tan and burned, ha ha, just a little!
See you soon!
Love Mette
There were a bunch of people having theirs today, so ours lasted (officially) from 4-11pm, even though the last people really didn’t leave till midnight. Yes, it was really Mike’s. I just tagged along, since I “graduated” too.
So I had passed out invitations at school, but a lot of people forgot or had other plans. I good group of my friends showed up though, and I had a good time.
We had a ton of food, and now a ton of leftovers, bouncy-things, to jump on, and they each had a little game on them. It’s hard to describe. One had a basketball goal in each end, but you were tied together in a big bouncy court in the middle, so it was about pulling the hardest and be the first to slam dunk the ball into the goal.
It was a lot of fun, and since I was outside setting up from about 10am and then didn’t get back in till around midnight, it was reeeeeeeeeally hot, but nice (about 30C) and I did get a little more tan and burned, ha ha, just a little!
See you soon!
Love Mette
Thoughts of a soon to be done-exchange student
I saw this TV commercial the other day, and it said something like:
“it’s a curious thing that happens. It seems when we get to a place where no one knows us, we become most ourselves; trying new things, making new friends, laughing out loud, and dancing in the streets. It’s time to venture out! Who knows just who we might discover as we come alive.”
That was my dream. I didn’t feel ready for ‘gymnasium’ yet. I mean, my grades and stuff were fine, but mentally, I wanted a year out, a year to experience something new and put a new perspective on life.
Did it give me that one year I wanted? In some way. It gave me the year I wanted, but it was so amazing that I want to stay, I’m not ready to leave yet, and I don’t know if I will be, but at the same time I’m excited to start a new chapter of my life, and see everybody again, and did it live up to my expectations?
Yes. I tried not to have expectations, but there was the simplest things that you just don’t think about as expectations. Before I left, I thought of expectations as “I will make the basketball team,” “they will put me as a Senior,” “my host family will take me on vacation” etc. but I would’ve never classified expectations under what is normal to me, being in America; I just never thought like that. So did it meet my expectations, yes, overall I had an amazing year and that sure was my biggest expectation, but did I end up in the perfect family I though it was going to be at first, did I have somebody to sit with the first day at lunch, was I happy almost the whole time? No. It took a move to find an amazing family, and it took a stressed, confused moment to find somebody to sit with the first day, and no, it wasn’t all happiness, it definitely had hard times, but overall, it was a year I will never ever forget, and a year I really don’t want to leave yet.
I can't last here for long
I feel this current it's so strong
It gets me further down the line
It gets me closer to the light
All these little things in life
They all create this haze
There's too many things to get done
And I'm running out of days
Today, I have 25 days left in Mooresville, in Indiana, in the United States, and yes, indeed it is sad, but so far I have had the best summer vacation of my life, I’m pretty sure, and I’ll just do my very best to keep that and my good mood up, and not be sad now, for something that has yet to come.
Live on, live it up today
This life’s your cup
So drink it up I say, yeah
Say it’s mine so give it all up to me now
And walk that line, don’t let this go my friend
Let it be the best 25 days of the year, and let the happiness I have found in myself here continue when I get back. Lets make it the summer of our lives J
P.S. I apologize that all these posts are about leaving, about it being the end, over, but it’s true, and writing it all down helps me accept it all little bit, get the sadness out, and have the happiness left to enjoy J
“it’s a curious thing that happens. It seems when we get to a place where no one knows us, we become most ourselves; trying new things, making new friends, laughing out loud, and dancing in the streets. It’s time to venture out! Who knows just who we might discover as we come alive.”
That was my dream. I didn’t feel ready for ‘gymnasium’ yet. I mean, my grades and stuff were fine, but mentally, I wanted a year out, a year to experience something new and put a new perspective on life.
Did it give me that one year I wanted? In some way. It gave me the year I wanted, but it was so amazing that I want to stay, I’m not ready to leave yet, and I don’t know if I will be, but at the same time I’m excited to start a new chapter of my life, and see everybody again, and did it live up to my expectations?
Yes. I tried not to have expectations, but there was the simplest things that you just don’t think about as expectations. Before I left, I thought of expectations as “I will make the basketball team,” “they will put me as a Senior,” “my host family will take me on vacation” etc. but I would’ve never classified expectations under what is normal to me, being in America; I just never thought like that. So did it meet my expectations, yes, overall I had an amazing year and that sure was my biggest expectation, but did I end up in the perfect family I though it was going to be at first, did I have somebody to sit with the first day at lunch, was I happy almost the whole time? No. It took a move to find an amazing family, and it took a stressed, confused moment to find somebody to sit with the first day, and no, it wasn’t all happiness, it definitely had hard times, but overall, it was a year I will never ever forget, and a year I really don’t want to leave yet.
I can't last here for long
I feel this current it's so strong
It gets me further down the line
It gets me closer to the light
All these little things in life
They all create this haze
There's too many things to get done
And I'm running out of days
Today, I have 25 days left in Mooresville, in Indiana, in the United States, and yes, indeed it is sad, but so far I have had the best summer vacation of my life, I’m pretty sure, and I’ll just do my very best to keep that and my good mood up, and not be sad now, for something that has yet to come.
Live on, live it up today
This life’s your cup
So drink it up I say, yeah
Say it’s mine so give it all up to me now
And walk that line, don’t let this go my friend
Let it be the best 25 days of the year, and let the happiness I have found in myself here continue when I get back. Lets make it the summer of our lives J
P.S. I apologize that all these posts are about leaving, about it being the end, over, but it’s true, and writing it all down helps me accept it all little bit, get the sadness out, and have the happiness left to enjoy J
Today I graduated high school. Today is the end of the best school year, and the beginning of something new. Today is a huge mark, showing that my year is coming to and end. It is a day of celebration, but for me more a day that hits hard. It is like the last choir concert. It is these “marks” that hit you, saying “it’s the end.”
Today is a big day for Mooresville’s class of 2010, a day they’ve been waiting for, and worked for the last 12 years, a day that was finally here.
It was with smiles and tears and 291 excited, but nervous, young adults that filled up the South Gym at Mooresville High School at 11 am on May 29th, 2010. After welcomes, prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and singing of the Star Sprinkled Banner, 291 students, one by one entered the stage, shook the Superintendent Mr. Freeman’s hand, received a diploma holder and went back to their seat, and after more speeches, singing, pictures, and turning in their cap and gown again, received their High School Diploma.
Today was the end of an amazing experience, that I can’t thank Mooresville enough for giving to me, but also a start of something new.
I think it sucks that we don’t get to keep out cap and gown, and that I didn’t see Mr. Muston (our principal) before Graduation started, ‘cause I was going to make this deal, that if he said my name wrong, I got to keep the cap and he was going to pay for it (he probably wasn’t going to make the deal with me, but I thought it was a brilliant idea!) If I had done that, I would now how my cap! He sure did say something weird instead of Birkedahl J poor man, with three foreign exchange student names, but it’s not that hard, especially when I already told him how to pronounce it!
Love you,
Today is a big day for Mooresville’s class of 2010, a day they’ve been waiting for, and worked for the last 12 years, a day that was finally here.
It was with smiles and tears and 291 excited, but nervous, young adults that filled up the South Gym at Mooresville High School at 11 am on May 29th, 2010. After welcomes, prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and singing of the Star Sprinkled Banner, 291 students, one by one entered the stage, shook the Superintendent Mr. Freeman’s hand, received a diploma holder and went back to their seat, and after more speeches, singing, pictures, and turning in their cap and gown again, received their High School Diploma.
Today was the end of an amazing experience, that I can’t thank Mooresville enough for giving to me, but also a start of something new.
I think it sucks that we don’t get to keep out cap and gown, and that I didn’t see Mr. Muston (our principal) before Graduation started, ‘cause I was going to make this deal, that if he said my name wrong, I got to keep the cap and he was going to pay for it (he probably wasn’t going to make the deal with me, but I thought it was a brilliant idea!) If I had done that, I would now how my cap! He sure did say something weird instead of Birkedahl J poor man, with three foreign exchange student names, but it’s not that hard, especially when I already told him how to pronounce it!
Love you,
Last day of school, and Senior Sunset
Today was my last day of school at Mooresville High School - it’s kinda bittersweet. On the sweet side I have summer vacation now, until mid-August, so that’s awesome! No more finals, no more homework, no more school. But then on the other side MHS was the center of this year. It was where I spend most of time. It was where I met all these wonderful people, that will always be a part of my life. It was where I met friends that I just don’t know what I’m going to do without. It was where I learned more about myself, and changed, grew, and got more of the person I wanted to be, and to just let all that go, and start a new chapter is hard. I don’t know when I’ll get to see them all again, and I am so tired of staying in touch with everybody through writing/Facebook.
I took my last two finals in today (Sociology and U. S. History) and then we had a Senior picnic during lunch, and the commencement practice for Saturday’s Graduation.
After hanging out with Karolina and Denisa, the two other foreign exchange students at school, and taking pictures of school and around school
Me, Nich, and Denisa went around town and to Nich’s house for a little while, before leaving for Anderson Orchard (where I went picking apples in the beginning of the year, and went to get a pumpkin for Halloween) for the Senior Sunset. They have the tallest hill in Morgan County, so a lot of the Seniors showed up to hang out, and see the sun go down (they saw it set in the beginning of the year, so it’s symbolizing the end) but around an hour/an hour an a half before the sun set, it started lightening, and since we were at the highest point, we had to leave, which was sad, but I had fun.
It’s by the way around 30C during the days here, and doesn’t really go under 20C right now, maybe when I sleep, so I hope you enjoy your Danish weather too! (:
Just kidding. I hope you’ll have a good summer until I see you though!
28 more days L
Love you, Mette
I took my last two finals in today (Sociology and U. S. History) and then we had a Senior picnic during lunch, and the commencement practice for Saturday’s Graduation.
After hanging out with Karolina and Denisa, the two other foreign exchange students at school, and taking pictures of school and around school
Me, Nich, and Denisa went around town and to Nich’s house for a little while, before leaving for Anderson Orchard (where I went picking apples in the beginning of the year, and went to get a pumpkin for Halloween) for the Senior Sunset. They have the tallest hill in Morgan County, so a lot of the Seniors showed up to hang out, and see the sun go down (they saw it set in the beginning of the year, so it’s symbolizing the end) but around an hour/an hour an a half before the sun set, it started lightening, and since we were at the highest point, we had to leave, which was sad, but I had fun.
It’s by the way around 30C during the days here, and doesn’t really go under 20C right now, maybe when I sleep, so I hope you enjoy your Danish weather too! (:
Just kidding. I hope you’ll have a good summer until I see you though!
28 more days L
Love you, Mette
Choir and Track - near the end
I can feel the school year closing in, and I can see it in many ways.
Since January I’ve been in both Track and Verbalessence, which is the after-school girls choir. Track ended a couple of weeks ago, I ran in my last meet May 6th, and after Senior Night on May 11th I was done, since I didn’t have to run in Sectionals. Senior Night was the last meet at home and before the meet start they recognize all the Seniors, by walking them up to stand in front of the stands and one by one, tell a little bit about them. After saying my name right, they did get almost everything else wrong, so it was pretty funny. “Next year Mette will be attending the international school of Denmark, studying international studies.” I don’t really know where that came from, since all I wrote on the paper was that I would be attending an international school IN Denmark..
I also had the last choir concert. With Sensations, the choir I have 7th period every day, out last concert was at Spring Spec.
Spring Spec. (Spring Spectacular) is a big choir show/concert at school. It is both Friday, and Saturday night, and we had dress rehearsal Thursday night. Personally I was performing two songs with Verbalessence, one song “the Senior Song” with all the Seniors, three songs with Sensations (I had a little solo in the first one), and then the big “finale” song, with all the choirs together. It was a great night, especially Saturday.
Earlier Saturday, I had been at the last orientation with YFU and because I had to leave earlier to get back to school, I didn’t really get to say goodbye to my friends, I mean we gave each other a hug and stuff, but it was fast, ‘cause they were in the middle of the orientation. So when I came to school, I was already a little bummed out, plus I had got the wrong time, so even though I was ten minutes early, I was ten minutes late (with many others) and I didn’t have time to change into the dress I was going to wear for the Senior Picture. We still got the picture taken, all the Seniors together, and then we all ran around, trying to finish getting ready.
By the end of the night, for the very last song, all the Seniors stand together on stage, while all the others choirs are behind us, and around the auditorium singing the last song. Most of the Seniors starts crying, because it is their last performance, like out last concert with choir in Denmark last year, and when it’s all over everybody is walking around hugging each other, giving each other flowers and crying. We were all sad, I was more because it hit me that it was about over now, this was the end of my year, and in a little bit I had to go home, but it didn’t take long till I was in a good mood again, since so many people came over and hugged me, said how much fun they had had, that they were going to miss me so much … It just makes you feel happy, to have met so many nice people and met so many new friends in one year.

(Just some pictures from Spring Spec. of me and some friends)
It’s a little crazy to think about leaving, as I’m writing this down today, May 23rd, there’s one month till I’m leaving. In a month I’ll be sitting in Chicago, meeting all the Danish exchange students again, and together leaving for Frankfurt and Copenhagen.
I’m going to miss everything so much, especially because I knew when I left Denmark, I would be back to my life again in a year, but leaving here, I can only come back and visit, I won’t come “back to my life.”
See you soon!
Since January I’ve been in both Track and Verbalessence, which is the after-school girls choir. Track ended a couple of weeks ago, I ran in my last meet May 6th, and after Senior Night on May 11th I was done, since I didn’t have to run in Sectionals. Senior Night was the last meet at home and before the meet start they recognize all the Seniors, by walking them up to stand in front of the stands and one by one, tell a little bit about them. After saying my name right, they did get almost everything else wrong, so it was pretty funny. “Next year Mette will be attending the international school of Denmark, studying international studies.” I don’t really know where that came from, since all I wrote on the paper was that I would be attending an international school IN Denmark..
I also had the last choir concert. With Sensations, the choir I have 7th period every day, out last concert was at Spring Spec.
Spring Spec. (Spring Spectacular) is a big choir show/concert at school. It is both Friday, and Saturday night, and we had dress rehearsal Thursday night. Personally I was performing two songs with Verbalessence, one song “the Senior Song” with all the Seniors, three songs with Sensations (I had a little solo in the first one), and then the big “finale” song, with all the choirs together. It was a great night, especially Saturday.
Earlier Saturday, I had been at the last orientation with YFU and because I had to leave earlier to get back to school, I didn’t really get to say goodbye to my friends, I mean we gave each other a hug and stuff, but it was fast, ‘cause they were in the middle of the orientation. So when I came to school, I was already a little bummed out, plus I had got the wrong time, so even though I was ten minutes early, I was ten minutes late (with many others) and I didn’t have time to change into the dress I was going to wear for the Senior Picture. We still got the picture taken, all the Seniors together, and then we all ran around, trying to finish getting ready.
By the end of the night, for the very last song, all the Seniors stand together on stage, while all the others choirs are behind us, and around the auditorium singing the last song. Most of the Seniors starts crying, because it is their last performance, like out last concert with choir in Denmark last year, and when it’s all over everybody is walking around hugging each other, giving each other flowers and crying. We were all sad, I was more because it hit me that it was about over now, this was the end of my year, and in a little bit I had to go home, but it didn’t take long till I was in a good mood again, since so many people came over and hugged me, said how much fun they had had, that they were going to miss me so much … It just makes you feel happy, to have met so many nice people and met so many new friends in one year.

It’s a little crazy to think about leaving, as I’m writing this down today, May 23rd, there’s one month till I’m leaving. In a month I’ll be sitting in Chicago, meeting all the Danish exchange students again, and together leaving for Frankfurt and Copenhagen.
I’m going to miss everything so much, especially because I knew when I left Denmark, I would be back to my life again in a year, but leaving here, I can only come back and visit, I won’t come “back to my life.”
See you soon!
The Prom weekend
It’s Friday, May 30th 2010, it’s the day of my first and only Prom. Mooresville High School is empty (maybe except for the Junior parents running around, finishing up for Post Prom) and everybody is getting ready for the big night.
Personally I’m waking up, walking around for a while, cleaning myself up a little before my hair appointment at noon. It’s a lady named Kim doing my hair. I don’t know her, but I’ve heard she’s good, and she sure is. I showed a picture of my idea and said, but just make it pretty, and she did.
At home I’m doing my make up, packing a bag, and getting everything ready, putting it in the car and then leaving for Kylee’s house, where her and I get the last things ready together. Her parents have snacks and drinks ready, and her grandparents are there too. Some of the others text us and say they’re on their way, so we put on out dresses and take a last look in the mirror before walking out.
It’s a good feeling getting compliments and funny to watch peoples expressions as they see you for the first time, in your long purple dress, curly hair, bangs braded bag and a big smile.
It’s not the end of the story, closer to the beginning, but you’re going to get the rest in a “non story mode.”
Around 3:30 our whole group showed up. Me and Kylee who were already there, Josh, my date, Kyle and LeeDa, and Mikinzie and Nich, and Stephanie. Josh’s sister was there, she’s a professional photographer and took most of our pictures. The other parents took pictures too, but since she was the professional, she kinda let them. We had to leave for dinner at 5, but we didn’t leave till around 5:15. Our dinner reservations were at 5:30, so we were already late, and to make it even better, we got a little lost on the way, but we told them we were late and out table was still there when we finally showed up at Stone Creek in Greenwood, Indiana.
From there we went to The Hyatt in downtown Indianapolis, where the Prom was held. The Prom started at 7:30 and lasted till 11:30, I think.. It was a lot of dancing, and a lot of fun, definitely a thing I don’t understand other exchange students would miss out on, but maybe that’s because it is Mooresville’s only school dance too. The theme was “Lost in Paradise” and it was decorated great.
From Prom we went back to Mikinzie’s house, to change for Post Prom. Post Prom is at school, to make sure the teenagers don’t go out and party and do illegal things after Prom. It is from midnight - 4. Most couples or groups get matching t-shirts with either a fun writing or a cartoon figure or something else on them. The rest of our group had matching t-shirts with one of the Muppets characters on it, while me and Josh got plane, purple t-shirt and wore matching, white basketball shorts.
The theme for Post Prom was “Winter Wonderland.” There were games and prices, and food and free pictures, but it wasn’t more exciting than that, and after winning some CD’s, a hair straightener, and a $25 gift card to a restaurant, me and Josh just sat and talked with Denisa most of the rest of the night.
At around 3, when they were out of prices and a thunderstorm were coming up, and most people had left anyways, they started sending the rest of us home. We were probably the last ones to leave at around 3:30, and me and Mikinzie went back to her house, talked for a little, put on a movie, and fell asleep, which was good, ‘cause we had to be back at school at 7:30 for the bus for Kings Island.
Kings Island is an amusement park in Cincinnati, Ohio. It takes around 2½ hour to drive there, so we were there at around ten o’clock, and left again at 7:30pm. It was a fun day, and I definitely rode some roller coasters I never thought I would have.
So over all it was a great weekend, and I wish I could do it again!
- Mette
Personally I’m waking up, walking around for a while, cleaning myself up a little before my hair appointment at noon. It’s a lady named Kim doing my hair. I don’t know her, but I’ve heard she’s good, and she sure is. I showed a picture of my idea and said, but just make it pretty, and she did.
At home I’m doing my make up, packing a bag, and getting everything ready, putting it in the car and then leaving for Kylee’s house, where her and I get the last things ready together. Her parents have snacks and drinks ready, and her grandparents are there too. Some of the others text us and say they’re on their way, so we put on out dresses and take a last look in the mirror before walking out.
It’s a good feeling getting compliments and funny to watch peoples expressions as they see you for the first time, in your long purple dress, curly hair, bangs braded bag and a big smile.
It’s not the end of the story, closer to the beginning, but you’re going to get the rest in a “non story mode.”
Around 3:30 our whole group showed up. Me and Kylee who were already there, Josh, my date, Kyle and LeeDa, and Mikinzie and Nich, and Stephanie. Josh’s sister was there, she’s a professional photographer and took most of our pictures. The other parents took pictures too, but since she was the professional, she kinda let them. We had to leave for dinner at 5, but we didn’t leave till around 5:15. Our dinner reservations were at 5:30, so we were already late, and to make it even better, we got a little lost on the way, but we told them we were late and out table was still there when we finally showed up at Stone Creek in Greenwood, Indiana.
From there we went to The Hyatt in downtown Indianapolis, where the Prom was held. The Prom started at 7:30 and lasted till 11:30, I think.. It was a lot of dancing, and a lot of fun, definitely a thing I don’t understand other exchange students would miss out on, but maybe that’s because it is Mooresville’s only school dance too. The theme was “Lost in Paradise” and it was decorated great.
From Prom we went back to Mikinzie’s house, to change for Post Prom. Post Prom is at school, to make sure the teenagers don’t go out and party and do illegal things after Prom. It is from midnight - 4. Most couples or groups get matching t-shirts with either a fun writing or a cartoon figure or something else on them. The rest of our group had matching t-shirts with one of the Muppets characters on it, while me and Josh got plane, purple t-shirt and wore matching, white basketball shorts.
The theme for Post Prom was “Winter Wonderland.” There were games and prices, and food and free pictures, but it wasn’t more exciting than that, and after winning some CD’s, a hair straightener, and a $25 gift card to a restaurant, me and Josh just sat and talked with Denisa most of the rest of the night.
At around 3, when they were out of prices and a thunderstorm were coming up, and most people had left anyways, they started sending the rest of us home. We were probably the last ones to leave at around 3:30, and me and Mikinzie went back to her house, talked for a little, put on a movie, and fell asleep, which was good, ‘cause we had to be back at school at 7:30 for the bus for Kings Island.
Kings Island is an amusement park in Cincinnati, Ohio. It takes around 2½ hour to drive there, so we were there at around ten o’clock, and left again at 7:30pm. It was a fun day, and I definitely rode some roller coasters I never thought I would have.
So over all it was a great weekend, and I wish I could do it again!
- Mette
18. april 2010
So my computer has not worked for a while and I haven't been able to update my blog, so now I post two new posts at a time, so don't forget to see my "Spring Break" one too. :)
It's April 18th and in Indiana it's 4:24 pm which means that I'll turn 16 in Denmark in an hour and 36 minutes :) I count the Danish time, since I was born in Denmark, but I know nobody here will celebrate it 'till tomorrow.
To be honest I'm not really excited about my birthday. I'm excited to answer the "how old are you" question with "sixteen," but other than that it could as well have been another normal day. I'm excited to get my box from Denmark and talk to my family, but I don't know if it'll ever be the same without waking up to singing, breakfast, presents, and coming home from school to family. Instead it's another long Monday with school and practice and then not seeing my host family until Miranda comes home from dance around 9 pm. but I'm sure I'll have fun anyways..
Track is going alright. I beat my PR on the 200 m. at our last meat (person record) and it's still a lot of fun, which is the most important part to me.
Choir is fine too. Yesterday we had out "biggest performance of the year" = IISMA. Indiana - - Music - something ;) At first we went before some judges and performed three songs and then we went in and did some rhythms and sight-reading (læse noder fra bladet) for another judge. I'll see tomorrow in class how we did. There has been try-outs for next years choirs and today the lists was posted at school, so that was exciting for everybody else :)
Did I ever say that I got accepted into pre-IB at Nørre Gymnasium, for the international school there, for next year? I'm so excited :)
On Friday, Nich, Mikinzie, Megan, and I went out to eat and then to cosmic bowling. It is bowling, but in a mostly dark with flashing lights, music, smoke machines and a lot of "glow-in-the-dark" stuff :) It was A LOT OF FUN and a good way to celebrate my birthday. A lot of pictures from everything should be on Facebook soon (:
Other.. I have had a long week. It's been kinda busy with choir and track Monday, choir performance Tuesday, practice and Miranda's confirmation Wednesday, Track Meet Thursday and practice and "birthday party" Friday.. IISMA Saturday and a little shopping today, but still it's been one of my most homesick weeks of the year too, and it's not been a lot of fun, but I'm positive and hopefully this next week will be better!
It's 4:37 now. One hour and 23 minutes :)
And today there is 66 days 'till I can step out in Kastrup and see my favorite faces again! Hopefully there won't be another volcanic eruption then!
Love, Mette
It's April 18th and in Indiana it's 4:24 pm which means that I'll turn 16 in Denmark in an hour and 36 minutes :) I count the Danish time, since I was born in Denmark, but I know nobody here will celebrate it 'till tomorrow.
To be honest I'm not really excited about my birthday. I'm excited to answer the "how old are you" question with "sixteen," but other than that it could as well have been another normal day. I'm excited to get my box from Denmark and talk to my family, but I don't know if it'll ever be the same without waking up to singing, breakfast, presents, and coming home from school to family. Instead it's another long Monday with school and practice and then not seeing my host family until Miranda comes home from dance around 9 pm. but I'm sure I'll have fun anyways..
Track is going alright. I beat my PR on the 200 m. at our last meat (person record) and it's still a lot of fun, which is the most important part to me.
Choir is fine too. Yesterday we had out "biggest performance of the year" = IISMA. Indiana - - Music - something ;) At first we went before some judges and performed three songs and then we went in and did some rhythms and sight-reading (læse noder fra bladet) for another judge. I'll see tomorrow in class how we did. There has been try-outs for next years choirs and today the lists was posted at school, so that was exciting for everybody else :)
Did I ever say that I got accepted into pre-IB at Nørre Gymnasium, for the international school there, for next year? I'm so excited :)
On Friday, Nich, Mikinzie, Megan, and I went out to eat and then to cosmic bowling. It is bowling, but in a mostly dark with flashing lights, music, smoke machines and a lot of "glow-in-the-dark" stuff :) It was A LOT OF FUN and a good way to celebrate my birthday. A lot of pictures from everything should be on Facebook soon (:
Other.. I have had a long week. It's been kinda busy with choir and track Monday, choir performance Tuesday, practice and Miranda's confirmation Wednesday, Track Meet Thursday and practice and "birthday party" Friday.. IISMA Saturday and a little shopping today, but still it's been one of my most homesick weeks of the year too, and it's not been a lot of fun, but I'm positive and hopefully this next week will be better!
It's 4:37 now. One hour and 23 minutes :)
And today there is 66 days 'till I can step out in Kastrup and see my favorite faces again! Hopefully there won't be another volcanic eruption then!
Love, Mette
Spring Break
Over Spring Break, my host family took me to Clearwater Beach, Florida!
After 14+ hours in a car, we were finally there, but our rooms weren't ready for check-in yet, so we went to breakfast and by a mall before they called us and said they were ready. It was probably the most fancy place I've stayed in my whole life (or what I can remember..) I don't know, but it was luxurious. It was on the beach. Out balcony had ocean-view. There was a huge pool and hot tubs, free fitness center, talking elevator, and they even opened the doors for you in the lobby. And in the lobby they had this grand piano that played by it self! Even the keys moved by them self, and it played all different songs. Kinda creepy :)
When they came in the early evening and made your bed, so it was ready to sleep in (set the pillows differently, move the blanket so it was easier to get under ect.) they'd leave a little chocolate for everybody in the room.
It was sooooo nice to see my best friend = the beach, the ocean.. again! And being able to go outside and have streets and little shops instead of fields and horses :)
The streets were filled with little souvenir shops and most of the sold henna tattoos (a "tattoo" that goes away after about 2-3 weeks). So an evening when three of Miranda's dance friends were visiting (they were staying right outside of Clearwater) we went and got henna tattoos and we did it again later on the week. I got two Japanese signs, one meaning Brothers, for Mads and Klaus, and one meaning "Dream" :) and I got a music heart..
So other than getting a little sunburned I had an awesome trip and can now mark of three more states I have been (Alabama, Georgia and Florida).
I'm excited to see you all soon!
Love, Mette.
After 14+ hours in a car, we were finally there, but our rooms weren't ready for check-in yet, so we went to breakfast and by a mall before they called us and said they were ready. It was probably the most fancy place I've stayed in my whole life (or what I can remember..) I don't know, but it was luxurious. It was on the beach. Out balcony had ocean-view. There was a huge pool and hot tubs, free fitness center, talking elevator, and they even opened the doors for you in the lobby. And in the lobby they had this grand piano that played by it self! Even the keys moved by them self, and it played all different songs. Kinda creepy :)
When they came in the early evening and made your bed, so it was ready to sleep in (set the pillows differently, move the blanket so it was easier to get under ect.) they'd leave a little chocolate for everybody in the room.
It was sooooo nice to see my best friend = the beach, the ocean.. again! And being able to go outside and have streets and little shops instead of fields and horses :)
The streets were filled with little souvenir shops and most of the sold henna tattoos (a "tattoo" that goes away after about 2-3 weeks). So an evening when three of Miranda's dance friends were visiting (they were staying right outside of Clearwater) we went and got henna tattoos and we did it again later on the week. I got two Japanese signs, one meaning Brothers, for Mads and Klaus, and one meaning "Dream" :) and I got a music heart..
So other than getting a little sunburned I had an awesome trip and can now mark of three more states I have been (Alabama, Georgia and Florida).
I'm excited to see you all soon!
Love, Mette.
22. marts 2010
I don't know what to call this post :P Update?
So good news: my Danish is getting better, for some reason? I don't really know why, maybe I'm just getting so used to switching between them. I considered writing my blog in Danish again, but I figured it was a good practice to write English and I'm pretty sure my Danish spelling is still kinda messed up :)
Bad news: it is raining today, and it's cold and gross!
Good news: I had a super fun weekend :D
Saturday, me, Nich and Mikinzie went to Brownsburg and saw their High School's musical (Singing in the Rain). At first we went to Meijer and I got my first "frozen coke," a slush ice but with the fizz from the soda. Then we went to Walmart, so I could get some things for my Sociology project. Then we went to Panda Express to eat :) And THEN we went to Brownsburg! But we were to early, so at first we took pictures on the elementary school's playground. The play finally started and I sat down next to Mikinzie and an old, grumpy, man. It was a really good play, definitely something they've spent a lot of money on, but their school was already so fancy and rich-looking that it made Mooresville look like trash :) During intermission, me and Mikinzie went to the bathroom, but when the one closest to the auditorium, the only one we knew where were at, had the worlds longest line, we started searching the school for another one. Success! After the play we stayed and met some of Nich's friends and talked for a while, before trying to find our way out of town. At first we took a quick stop at Starbucks, must have! The only mistake was us leaving our luck behind at Starbucks. We headed out of Brownsburg, and went on, until non of us really knew where we were. At first it wasn't bad. We were in Indy and kinda knew where, but when out rode changed name and we didn't recognize anything any more, we turned around. Mikinzie called her mom and she got us guided back on track. After dropping Mikinzie of, me and Nich stopped at the gas station, so he could get gas and a drink to keep him awake on the way home. Hitting the road again the drink fell and was all over the car, it is kinda funny to think back on :P we must have been tired! Oh well. I came home, and I had had a lot of fun!
other news? I have another Track meet tomorrow. I'm running the 100m and the 200m and if somebody gets sick, also the 4x100m. It's out first outside meet, so it better stop raining!
In choir, one of our songs has this one high A at the end and on Friday Mr. Damron told us that only one girl was gonna sing that note, to not drown out the other parts. I told Nich and Mikinzie that I really hoped he wouldn't give it to me, but talking about luck, of course he did.
I don't like singing alone :P That's why I'm in choir! Ha ha, but it's okay. It's only one note.
And then btw. I take back EVERYTHING I said about liking outdoor practices :) Today was cold and .. wet. Luckily we only ran a mile and then went inside and did muscle training.
That's all I got for now (:
Take care! See you soon.
Love, Mette
Bad news: it is raining today, and it's cold and gross!
Good news: I had a super fun weekend :D
Saturday, me, Nich and Mikinzie went to Brownsburg and saw their High School's musical (Singing in the Rain). At first we went to Meijer and I got my first "frozen coke," a slush ice but with the fizz from the soda. Then we went to Walmart, so I could get some things for my Sociology project. Then we went to Panda Express to eat :) And THEN we went to Brownsburg! But we were to early, so at first we took pictures on the elementary school's playground. The play finally started and I sat down next to Mikinzie and an old, grumpy, man. It was a really good play, definitely something they've spent a lot of money on, but their school was already so fancy and rich-looking that it made Mooresville look like trash :) During intermission, me and Mikinzie went to the bathroom, but when the one closest to the auditorium, the only one we knew where were at, had the worlds longest line, we started searching the school for another one. Success! After the play we stayed and met some of Nich's friends and talked for a while, before trying to find our way out of town. At first we took a quick stop at Starbucks, must have! The only mistake was us leaving our luck behind at Starbucks. We headed out of Brownsburg, and went on, until non of us really knew where we were. At first it wasn't bad. We were in Indy and kinda knew where, but when out rode changed name and we didn't recognize anything any more, we turned around. Mikinzie called her mom and she got us guided back on track. After dropping Mikinzie of, me and Nich stopped at the gas station, so he could get gas and a drink to keep him awake on the way home. Hitting the road again the drink fell and was all over the car, it is kinda funny to think back on :P we must have been tired! Oh well. I came home, and I had had a lot of fun!
other news? I have another Track meet tomorrow. I'm running the 100m and the 200m and if somebody gets sick, also the 4x100m. It's out first outside meet, so it better stop raining!
In choir, one of our songs has this one high A at the end and on Friday Mr. Damron told us that only one girl was gonna sing that note, to not drown out the other parts. I told Nich and Mikinzie that I really hoped he wouldn't give it to me, but talking about luck, of course he did.
I don't like singing alone :P That's why I'm in choir! Ha ha, but it's okay. It's only one note.
And then btw. I take back EVERYTHING I said about liking outdoor practices :) Today was cold and .. wet. Luckily we only ran a mile and then went inside and did muscle training.
That's all I got for now (:
Take care! See you soon.
Love, Mette
17. marts 2010
The Spring is hitting.. Hard!
The warmth is definitely coming to Indiana, and a lot nicer than it does in Denmark. It's 8pm here and 16C/61F. Outside practice is lovely when there's not a cloud in the sky and the sun is burning down. Only if it wasn't as windy it'd be perfect.
But not only is the weather warming up, but so is everybody's moods and it's finally more fun to be an exchange student again (not that i hasn't been during the winter). I mean it's not only everybody else, it's my mood too! I lost my activity at the Track meet yesterday (200 meter) big time, and at first I was mad at myself because I knew I could've done so much better, but going outside and feeling the smell of summer nights and good friends can just never let you down, can it?
So I'm gonna start a list of weird things, funny things and American things and have it laying around, 'cause I'm really starting to noticing them and when I once feel like I have enough, I'll post them on here for you :)
I thought of a lot of stuff to tell you all earlier, but I can't remember what it was. Oh well, I'll save it for another day!
BE CAREFUL! Love Mette
I thought of a lot of things I was gonna say on here, earlier, but now I forgot, so I'll save it for another day. I by the way, I've been pretty busy, but I'll try to catch up with emails and messages one of these days!
BE CAREFUL! Love Mette
But not only is the weather warming up, but so is everybody's moods and it's finally more fun to be an exchange student again (not that i hasn't been during the winter). I mean it's not only everybody else, it's my mood too! I lost my activity at the Track meet yesterday (200 meter) big time, and at first I was mad at myself because I knew I could've done so much better, but going outside and feeling the smell of summer nights and good friends can just never let you down, can it?
So I'm gonna start a list of weird things, funny things and American things and have it laying around, 'cause I'm really starting to noticing them and when I once feel like I have enough, I'll post them on here for you :)
I thought of a lot of stuff to tell you all earlier, but I can't remember what it was. Oh well, I'll save it for another day!
BE CAREFUL! Love Mette
I thought of a lot of things I was gonna say on here, earlier, but now I forgot, so I'll save it for another day. I by the way, I've been pretty busy, but I'll try to catch up with emails and messages one of these days!
BE CAREFUL! Love Mette
12. marts 2010
These are the days of my life!
It's Friday and that means it's weekend! Woo!
It is the last day of the first 9 weeks, which means that I'm halfway through this (last) semester of school in the United States. Woo! (Also weird to think about though)
The weather is AMAZING compared to Denmark at this time of the year. I've seen the temperature at 22C this week, and I know it's been higher - GO MARCH IN INDIANA! It's 22:32 and 11C, I'm not complaining. Not when I can walk around without a jacket in March!
I still have straight A's. (A- in stupid U.S. History, because I don't care and it doesn't interest me, but who cares :) Maybe I'll just prepare a little for our tests and get an A this semester, but why? I'd rather have fun, ha ha. It doesn't mean anything, anyways)
There's two weeks till Spring Break!
I have my first Track meet on Tuesday, I'm gonna run/sprint the 200m. and I'm kinda nervous. I'll probably loose big time, but I'll have fun :-) If somebody gets sick I'm gonna do the 200 relay (Danish = stafet) but I've never done that before, so hopefully they won't :)
I got my uniform for Track today:

What else? Hm. I don't really know.
I just love these day, my mood is definitely on it's highest!
Hope you're doing good!
XOXO Mette
It is the last day of the first 9 weeks, which means that I'm halfway through this (last) semester of school in the United States. Woo! (Also weird to think about though)
The weather is AMAZING compared to Denmark at this time of the year. I've seen the temperature at 22C this week, and I know it's been higher - GO MARCH IN INDIANA! It's 22:32 and 11C, I'm not complaining. Not when I can walk around without a jacket in March!
I still have straight A's. (A- in stupid U.S. History, because I don't care and it doesn't interest me, but who cares :) Maybe I'll just prepare a little for our tests and get an A this semester, but why? I'd rather have fun, ha ha. It doesn't mean anything, anyways)
There's two weeks till Spring Break!
I have my first Track meet on Tuesday, I'm gonna run/sprint the 200m. and I'm kinda nervous. I'll probably loose big time, but I'll have fun :-) If somebody gets sick I'm gonna do the 200 relay (Danish = stafet) but I've never done that before, so hopefully they won't :)
I got my uniform for Track today:
What else? Hm. I don't really know.
I just love these day, my mood is definitely on it's highest!
Hope you're doing good!
XOXO Mette
7. marts 2010
Over 7 months!
I didn't even realize it.
Every other month of this year I've noticed that "today I've been here for 3 months" or 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 months, but it wasn't till I saw two other blog posts saying "7 months" that I realized it this time.
7 months! That's such a long time?
So I looked through my old pictures from the year, some bringing fun memories, some less fun.
Have I experienced what I wanted to? I guess. I didn't really have that big expectations. I've got a lot of great friends - both in Mooresville, but also all over the world. After some trouble in the beginning, I've ended up in an amazing family. My English is a lot better than when I left Denmark. I've seen A LOT of the country, much more than I thought I would see. I've grown with the experience in every possible way, both in age, maturity, hight and weight :) And whatever else you can come up with. I found sides of myself I'd never seen before and 'got to know them.' I learned that things will follow you no matter where you go. It's hard to explain.
I've got to know American culture, and yes it is like the movies.. Most of the time.
America is definitely the land of gossip! If you don't want everybody to know something, you keep it to yourself. Completely! Not even that best friend you thought would keep the secret. Give it some time and ask another friend if they know, I bet you they do.
Fastfood. What can I say. It's true, it's fat, and good.. Once in a while!!
High School. Yes. Groups. Lunch tables. Lunch. Lockers. Crowded hall. Bathroom passes. Grades on everything. Detention (I haven't had any!). Suspension from school. ISS - In School Suspension. Yes. All true.
Car Culture. Definitely. And even if you could take your bike somewhere (didn't like in the middle of nowhere) I'd be scared to get killed :P
Big! Yes, everything IS huuuuuuuuuuuge.
But as I've seen other students post too, there's definitely one thing I've learned more than anything else. What I have in Denmark.
I've learned to love my bike and my public transportation. My food. My CITY LIFE! My friends. My school system! My life. But most of all:
I have learned that I have the best parents and the best brothers, the best grandparents, the best family you could ever imagine. I've learned how much they care about me, support me, is there for me and I can't even describe it. I love you!!
I'll try to be a lot better to write again!
Be careful everybody, take care! I hope you're still having a wonderful time too!
Love Mette
Every other month of this year I've noticed that "today I've been here for 3 months" or 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 months, but it wasn't till I saw two other blog posts saying "7 months" that I realized it this time.
7 months! That's such a long time?
So I looked through my old pictures from the year, some bringing fun memories, some less fun.
Have I experienced what I wanted to? I guess. I didn't really have that big expectations. I've got a lot of great friends - both in Mooresville, but also all over the world. After some trouble in the beginning, I've ended up in an amazing family. My English is a lot better than when I left Denmark. I've seen A LOT of the country, much more than I thought I would see. I've grown with the experience in every possible way, both in age, maturity, hight and weight :) And whatever else you can come up with. I found sides of myself I'd never seen before and 'got to know them.' I learned that things will follow you no matter where you go. It's hard to explain.
I've got to know American culture, and yes it is like the movies.. Most of the time.
America is definitely the land of gossip! If you don't want everybody to know something, you keep it to yourself. Completely! Not even that best friend you thought would keep the secret. Give it some time and ask another friend if they know, I bet you they do.
Fastfood. What can I say. It's true, it's fat, and good.. Once in a while!!
High School. Yes. Groups. Lunch tables. Lunch. Lockers. Crowded hall. Bathroom passes. Grades on everything. Detention (I haven't had any!). Suspension from school. ISS - In School Suspension. Yes. All true.
Car Culture. Definitely. And even if you could take your bike somewhere (didn't like in the middle of nowhere) I'd be scared to get killed :P
Big! Yes, everything IS huuuuuuuuuuuge.
But as I've seen other students post too, there's definitely one thing I've learned more than anything else. What I have in Denmark.
I've learned to love my bike and my public transportation. My food. My CITY LIFE! My friends. My school system! My life. But most of all:
I have learned that I have the best parents and the best brothers, the best grandparents, the best family you could ever imagine. I've learned how much they care about me, support me, is there for me and I can't even describe it. I love you!!
I'll try to be a lot better to write again!
Be careful everybody, take care! I hope you're still having a wonderful time too!
Love Mette
19. februar 2010
West Coast Trip!!
From Saturday, February 13th to Friday, February 19th 2010, YFU Founders District had their West Coast Trip and I was participating!
This might be a long post, because I'll try to remember everything we did.
First of all, to gonna-be-exchange-students, go on these trips! It was the most amazing, most fun thing ever. I don't think I've laughed so much before and had so much fun at one time.
DAY 1.
My flight to California was incredible! It made me realize what an amazing country the U.S. really is! I mean, I knew it was cool to be here, but I mean the nature.
The last.. 20 minutes of the flight was beautiful. I went from desert to the fantastic Grand Canyon to L.A. and the City here!
I arrived in Los Angeles and went to the hotel with this little shuttle that drives from the airport around to different hotels. I checked in with out guides and got told my room wasn't ready yet, so me, Lea and a Swedish girl went to Burger King, since that was the only thing around out hotel other than hotels and offices. Lea and I already ate, so we were just talking.
When we walked back to the hotel, more of the Indiana students I knew had arrived and I went and talked to them. Me, Laura, Frida and a Japanese girl which I don't know how to spells name (pronounced: I-you-me) went to Burger King again.
We walked around the hotel and the others got their rooms. I got mine later, when it was finally ready. Room 407. I shared it with 3 Swedish girls that already knew each other. They spoke Swedish sometimes and it was kinda annoying, but I wasn't really in the room other than to sleep, shower, and change clothes, so it was all okay.
That night we went to eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. (Bubba from Forrest Gump) - it was funny. Then we walked around on the Santa Monica Beach and the pier. We walked around in town and looked at the shops before going back to the hotel.
DAY 2.
Today was our big "explore L.A. day."
We started out going to the beach. The beach you always see in movies, with runners, surfers, and sunshine. It was sooo nice to walk in the edge of the water and feel the sun :)
Then we drove to a Mexican part, which is where L.A. started. From here we drove to Lunch and then to Hollywood! Around down-town on out way.
I thought Hollywood was disappointing.
I don't know what I expected, most of all the Hollywood sign, but as I understood the hill it is on was sold and now somebody wanna move it. Therefore somebody covered the "Hollywood" with the words "Save the Peak." I guess I just thought it would be more glamorous, but it's really just a normal city street with shops and people, of course except the starts in the sidewalk.
We drove past Beverly Hills and I saw some of the glam. I'd been missing.
We all got some cash to buy dinner and walked around this little market thing. Me, Rumi (Japan), Frida (Sweden), Laura (Germany) and Janine (Switzerland) walked around together on most of the trip. We're all from Indiana so we kinda knew who each other was, at least a bit, but we got soooo good and close friends now. Anyways. We sat down and ate French food and we never got up and looked more around 'cause we talked so much :)
At last we went to an observatory where we could look over the whole city by night. LIGHTS!
DAY 3.
Universal Studios!
Today we had until 6pm in Universal Studios, Hollywood. We started out with a Studio Tour where we came behind the scenes to different TV Shows and movies and then we just walked around. We went to the Simpson's Ride which was amazing. We had no idea what was going to happen! We sat down in the coach and thought these doors would open up for a crazy roller coaster, but instead it took us up to a room with "tv screams" on all the walls, so it felt like we were on a roller coaster and in the show.
We also went to Jurassic Park. I think that ride was a waste of time. We were in line for like an hour and it said everywhere we'd get wet and we really didn't. Only the last hill we "sailed" down was a little fun. BUT we went to The Mummy and that was so scary, but also so funny. Halfway through we started going backwards :P
We saw a water show, went out and ate lunch and went into the Hunted House. We started walking around, and didn't really see the scary part. There was scary music and weird pictures on the wall, but it wasn't scary until dressed up people started jumping out from EVERY corner. We ran and screamed the whole way through and we were all shaking when we came out :)
We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Caffee and got a little more shopping time.
DAY 4.
Today we drove in the bus almost all day. We got about 1½ break to eat lunch at an outlet mall (shopping) and then kept going.
At night we went to a Vegas show. It was like being in a movie. Seeing girls getting cut in halves or quarts and a Tiger coming out from nowhere. It was good magic tricks, but the show was set together kinda boring. :)
DAY 5.
Today we went to Grand Canyon.
It thought it would be pretty of course, but then kinda boring, but it was AMAZING!
It was a long drive though.
I don't know how to describe it.. Check out the pictures on Facebook! YFU paid our lunch today, but we bought out dinner ourselves at a mall in Vegas. Then we went to this taaaaall tower that has rides on the top. One ride that shoots you further up in the air and we that swings you out over the edge. I didn't go :) I was fine just looking at the view from up there.
Me and Frida got drawn a picture, where the artist made fun of us. Me and Laura took crazy pictures in a photo booth and we definitely had a lot of fun!
DAY 6.
Today we got free time in Vegas from maybe 10.30am 'till 6pm. We walked around in Vegas and looked at hotels, casinos (of course couldn't play) and shops!
We went on a roller coaster on the top of "New York - New York" and it was SO much fun! Says the girl that used to be scared of roller coasters (:
We went out to eat Brazilian and went to a show with 4 Australian dudes singing and dancing Motown songs. I only knew like 4 of the songs, and it was definitely a lot more fun when you knew the songs.
We went a little in to town again until about 11.30.
Then we went back to the Hotel and packed, showered, and talked the last to out room mates. I had to leave the Hotel at 3am and I got about 10 minutes of sleep, so now I'm back in COLD Indiana and I'm REALLY tired :) My voice is dead, but I am filled up with the best memories from the best week of my life!
Sleep tight and have a good winter!
Happy Birthday to my brother, Mads on Monday!
Love and hugs, Mette
This might be a long post, because I'll try to remember everything we did.
First of all, to gonna-be-exchange-students, go on these trips! It was the most amazing, most fun thing ever. I don't think I've laughed so much before and had so much fun at one time.
DAY 1.
My flight to California was incredible! It made me realize what an amazing country the U.S. really is! I mean, I knew it was cool to be here, but I mean the nature.
The last.. 20 minutes of the flight was beautiful. I went from desert to the fantastic Grand Canyon to L.A. and the City here!
I arrived in Los Angeles and went to the hotel with this little shuttle that drives from the airport around to different hotels. I checked in with out guides and got told my room wasn't ready yet, so me, Lea and a Swedish girl went to Burger King, since that was the only thing around out hotel other than hotels and offices. Lea and I already ate, so we were just talking.
When we walked back to the hotel, more of the Indiana students I knew had arrived and I went and talked to them. Me, Laura, Frida and a Japanese girl which I don't know how to spells name (pronounced: I-you-me) went to Burger King again.
We walked around the hotel and the others got their rooms. I got mine later, when it was finally ready. Room 407. I shared it with 3 Swedish girls that already knew each other. They spoke Swedish sometimes and it was kinda annoying, but I wasn't really in the room other than to sleep, shower, and change clothes, so it was all okay.
That night we went to eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. (Bubba from Forrest Gump) - it was funny. Then we walked around on the Santa Monica Beach and the pier. We walked around in town and looked at the shops before going back to the hotel.
DAY 2.
Today was our big "explore L.A. day."
We started out going to the beach. The beach you always see in movies, with runners, surfers, and sunshine. It was sooo nice to walk in the edge of the water and feel the sun :)
Then we drove to a Mexican part, which is where L.A. started. From here we drove to Lunch and then to Hollywood! Around down-town on out way.
I thought Hollywood was disappointing.
I don't know what I expected, most of all the Hollywood sign, but as I understood the hill it is on was sold and now somebody wanna move it. Therefore somebody covered the "Hollywood" with the words "Save the Peak." I guess I just thought it would be more glamorous, but it's really just a normal city street with shops and people, of course except the starts in the sidewalk.
We drove past Beverly Hills and I saw some of the glam. I'd been missing.
We all got some cash to buy dinner and walked around this little market thing. Me, Rumi (Japan), Frida (Sweden), Laura (Germany) and Janine (Switzerland) walked around together on most of the trip. We're all from Indiana so we kinda knew who each other was, at least a bit, but we got soooo good and close friends now. Anyways. We sat down and ate French food and we never got up and looked more around 'cause we talked so much :)
At last we went to an observatory where we could look over the whole city by night. LIGHTS!
DAY 3.
Universal Studios!
Today we had until 6pm in Universal Studios, Hollywood. We started out with a Studio Tour where we came behind the scenes to different TV Shows and movies and then we just walked around. We went to the Simpson's Ride which was amazing. We had no idea what was going to happen! We sat down in the coach and thought these doors would open up for a crazy roller coaster, but instead it took us up to a room with "tv screams" on all the walls, so it felt like we were on a roller coaster and in the show.
We also went to Jurassic Park. I think that ride was a waste of time. We were in line for like an hour and it said everywhere we'd get wet and we really didn't. Only the last hill we "sailed" down was a little fun. BUT we went to The Mummy and that was so scary, but also so funny. Halfway through we started going backwards :P
We saw a water show, went out and ate lunch and went into the Hunted House. We started walking around, and didn't really see the scary part. There was scary music and weird pictures on the wall, but it wasn't scary until dressed up people started jumping out from EVERY corner. We ran and screamed the whole way through and we were all shaking when we came out :)
We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Caffee and got a little more shopping time.
DAY 4.
Today we drove in the bus almost all day. We got about 1½ break to eat lunch at an outlet mall (shopping) and then kept going.
At night we went to a Vegas show. It was like being in a movie. Seeing girls getting cut in halves or quarts and a Tiger coming out from nowhere. It was good magic tricks, but the show was set together kinda boring. :)
DAY 5.
Today we went to Grand Canyon.
It thought it would be pretty of course, but then kinda boring, but it was AMAZING!
It was a long drive though.
I don't know how to describe it.. Check out the pictures on Facebook! YFU paid our lunch today, but we bought out dinner ourselves at a mall in Vegas. Then we went to this taaaaall tower that has rides on the top. One ride that shoots you further up in the air and we that swings you out over the edge. I didn't go :) I was fine just looking at the view from up there.
Me and Frida got drawn a picture, where the artist made fun of us. Me and Laura took crazy pictures in a photo booth and we definitely had a lot of fun!
DAY 6.
Today we got free time in Vegas from maybe 10.30am 'till 6pm. We walked around in Vegas and looked at hotels, casinos (of course couldn't play) and shops!
We went on a roller coaster on the top of "New York - New York" and it was SO much fun! Says the girl that used to be scared of roller coasters (:
We went out to eat Brazilian and went to a show with 4 Australian dudes singing and dancing Motown songs. I only knew like 4 of the songs, and it was definitely a lot more fun when you knew the songs.
We went a little in to town again until about 11.30.
Then we went back to the Hotel and packed, showered, and talked the last to out room mates. I had to leave the Hotel at 3am and I got about 10 minutes of sleep, so now I'm back in COLD Indiana and I'm REALLY tired :) My voice is dead, but I am filled up with the best memories from the best week of my life!
Sleep tight and have a good winter!
Happy Birthday to my brother, Mads on Monday!
Love and hugs, Mette
12. februar 2010
California here we come..
Sorry for the missing posts - no time(:
What's new?
School is school, everybody's all about Valentines Day, which I (sorry if i hurt any body) think is stupid!!
My History teacher is .. not bright .. and I finally proved that he really doesn't check out worksheets, just look over them fast and sees if there's answers. We had a worksheet with "fill in the blank" and some questions at top. Me, LeeDa and Kyle filled out mooost of the "fill in the blank" - Kyle had more than me and LeeDa. I had the questions to 2/5 sections, but wrote the rest of the questions down without answers (didn't have enough time.)
I got full credit (50 points) and no, I did not have everything :)
LeeDa got 37 points without any questions and less answers than Kyle who only got 30 points.
I think it's kinda funny.. Other?
Track starts for real on Tuesday, but I'm not gonna be at school next week. Instead I'm leaving for THE WEST COAST : D
I just listened to the Orange County theme song and I'm sooooo excited!
"California here we come, right back where we started from..." ♬
Anyways. I'll write and tell you everything about it when I get back home at the 19th.. Or by first chance :-)
Take goood care! And miss you all in Denmark, but I'll be there REALLY soon! :S
Hugs from "the foreign girl" - Mette
What's new?
School is school, everybody's all about Valentines Day, which I (sorry if i hurt any body) think is stupid!!
My History teacher is .. not bright .. and I finally proved that he really doesn't check out worksheets, just look over them fast and sees if there's answers. We had a worksheet with "fill in the blank" and some questions at top. Me, LeeDa and Kyle filled out mooost of the "fill in the blank" - Kyle had more than me and LeeDa. I had the questions to 2/5 sections, but wrote the rest of the questions down without answers (didn't have enough time.)
I got full credit (50 points) and no, I did not have everything :)
LeeDa got 37 points without any questions and less answers than Kyle who only got 30 points.
I think it's kinda funny.. Other?
Track starts for real on Tuesday, but I'm not gonna be at school next week. Instead I'm leaving for THE WEST COAST : D
I just listened to the Orange County theme song and I'm sooooo excited!
"California here we come, right back where we started from..." ♬
Anyways. I'll write and tell you everything about it when I get back home at the 19th.. Or by first chance :-)
Take goood care! And miss you all in Denmark, but I'll be there REALLY soon! :S
Hugs from "the foreign girl" - Mette
31. januar 2010
Goodbye Dark, Hello Light!
(I'll start apologizing for this long post. I know it's more fun to read the smaller ones more often, than the bigger once, only here and then.)
January's over! In a couple of hours..
I'm not sad at all, seeing this month being over.
It's been ups and downs and times keep telling yourself to be positive. In the beginning of the month, it was hard to see an end to it, hard to see time pass by, but "time passes even when it seems impossible. even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. it passes, unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging tulls, pass it does. even for me, it passes." (I like that quote)
But I did what I could do to make it get better. Of course I couldn't change the dark, coooold, weather and the way everything is, but I could start Track and stuff like that, so I wouldn't sit at home any more - and I did. And everything is just wonderful now :-)
I have had the funniest weekend.
Yesterday I went shopping with Denisa. We went to Greenwood, to the Mall.
My Sociology teacher always say the Mall is the best place to observe people and it is really funny to think about. I was sitting outside a fitting room and waiting for Denisa, and looking around (yes, I'm a dork.) Next to me was sitting the impatient boyfriend waiting. He called his mother, 'cause he was so bored :-P
Then there's the last minute shoppers, out to find a birthday present or something. The annoyed mothers with their kids running around. The middle schoolers that try to be older than they are. The "cool" kids. The gangs. The teenagers, just out for a fun afternoon with their friends. The dads and boyfriends, trying to find gifts. I could keep going for ever, but it was a lot of fun and I bought a looot of things :-P
After that we went to her house and I spend the night there.
Sunday, Nich and Mikinzie picked me up from Denisas, and we went Prom dress shopping.
After HOURS (and last weekend) I found "my" dress. It is purple, long, very simple, relaxed, nothing big dragging peoples attention specially to me, just very Mette. (:
After that we went out and ate lunch and took crazy pictures in the photo-booth at the Mall. I had so much fun today, and I'm just in a really good mood, having such great friends every where!
By the way. The Indianapolis Colts are in the Superbowl (Football) and Mikinzie invited me to her Superbowl party/watching on Sunday. It's gonna be fun.
- Pictures on Facebook soon.... I think!
It was the longest month, but "time still passes" and when I look back on it, it's been flying by, like the rest of this year. It's crazy.
January's over! In a couple of hours..
I'm not sad at all, seeing this month being over.
It's been ups and downs and times keep telling yourself to be positive. In the beginning of the month, it was hard to see an end to it, hard to see time pass by, but "time passes even when it seems impossible. even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. it passes, unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging tulls, pass it does. even for me, it passes." (I like that quote)
But I did what I could do to make it get better. Of course I couldn't change the dark, coooold, weather and the way everything is, but I could start Track and stuff like that, so I wouldn't sit at home any more - and I did. And everything is just wonderful now :-)
I have had the funniest weekend.
Yesterday I went shopping with Denisa. We went to Greenwood, to the Mall.
My Sociology teacher always say the Mall is the best place to observe people and it is really funny to think about. I was sitting outside a fitting room and waiting for Denisa, and looking around (yes, I'm a dork.) Next to me was sitting the impatient boyfriend waiting. He called his mother, 'cause he was so bored :-P
Then there's the last minute shoppers, out to find a birthday present or something. The annoyed mothers with their kids running around. The middle schoolers that try to be older than they are. The "cool" kids. The gangs. The teenagers, just out for a fun afternoon with their friends. The dads and boyfriends, trying to find gifts. I could keep going for ever, but it was a lot of fun and I bought a looot of things :-P
After that we went to her house and I spend the night there.
Sunday, Nich and Mikinzie picked me up from Denisas, and we went Prom dress shopping.
After HOURS (and last weekend) I found "my" dress. It is purple, long, very simple, relaxed, nothing big dragging peoples attention specially to me, just very Mette. (:
After that we went out and ate lunch and took crazy pictures in the photo-booth at the Mall. I had so much fun today, and I'm just in a really good mood, having such great friends every where!
By the way. The Indianapolis Colts are in the Superbowl (Football) and Mikinzie invited me to her Superbowl party/watching on Sunday. It's gonna be fun.
- Pictures on Facebook soon.... I think!
It was the longest month, but "time still passes" and when I look back on it, it's been flying by, like the rest of this year. It's crazy.
20. januar 2010
Track (conditioning)
Hey guys.
So I haven't done any Sport for almost a year, and then I decided to try Track. Track (and Field) is in Danish Atletik. Track is "løb" and Fiels is the rest. Just to make that clear.
Right now there's Track conditioning, to get in shape for Track, so I went to that for the first time today and I'll have to say wow, I'm in really bad shape, but it's all okay, that's what I'm at conditioning for :-)
It was a lot of fun, and it made me feel all nice and healthy afterwards, it gives this nice soreness - the good kind of pain, because you know why it's there! He he.
But it was hard, but hey, I'll get better, hopefully.
I haven't fully decided if I wanna do Track yet, but now I'm trying it out.
I might help out with the Spring Play too, I want to do more 'cause I'm tired of sitting at home, but now I might not even have time for that :-) He he. My teacher said I could probably even help assistant direct it (I didn't wanna be IN the play, 'cause I'm gonna miss a lot of rehearsal) but I'll talk to her again tomorrow and see if I can get Spring Play helping worked in to my schedule :-P
Monday: Choir - 4, maybe a little Spring Play if I'm going to do that
Tuesday: Nothing, but Miranda has dance, so if I can find a ride home, I can do the Spring Play here too, but probably not.
Wednesday: Track Conditioning
Thursday: I can help with the Spring Play + Dance at 8
Friday: Track - if I can find a ride..
That's how I think it's gonna look right now, but I don't know how it's gonna be when the "real" Track Practice starts in February. We'll see!
Take care and have fun!
Hugs and .. more hugs,
So I haven't done any Sport for almost a year, and then I decided to try Track. Track (and Field) is in Danish Atletik. Track is "løb" and Fiels is the rest. Just to make that clear.
Right now there's Track conditioning, to get in shape for Track, so I went to that for the first time today and I'll have to say wow, I'm in really bad shape, but it's all okay, that's what I'm at conditioning for :-)
It was a lot of fun, and it made me feel all nice and healthy afterwards, it gives this nice soreness - the good kind of pain, because you know why it's there! He he.
But it was hard, but hey, I'll get better, hopefully.
I haven't fully decided if I wanna do Track yet, but now I'm trying it out.
I might help out with the Spring Play too, I want to do more 'cause I'm tired of sitting at home, but now I might not even have time for that :-) He he. My teacher said I could probably even help assistant direct it (I didn't wanna be IN the play, 'cause I'm gonna miss a lot of rehearsal) but I'll talk to her again tomorrow and see if I can get Spring Play helping worked in to my schedule :-P
Monday: Choir - 4, maybe a little Spring Play if I'm going to do that
Tuesday: Nothing, but Miranda has dance, so if I can find a ride home, I can do the Spring Play here too, but probably not.
Wednesday: Track Conditioning
Thursday: I can help with the Spring Play + Dance at 8
Friday: Track - if I can find a ride..
That's how I think it's gonna look right now, but I don't know how it's gonna be when the "real" Track Practice starts in February. We'll see!
Take care and have fun!
Hugs and .. more hugs,
14. januar 2010
5 months and 9 days behind me and 5 months and 9 days in front of me in this wonderful place :-)
Till now, it's been the best experience of my life, it's an amazing opportunity and I'm so thankful for me getting it! And I'm even so lucky that this was only the beginning, I'm only halfway through!
I'll see you again quite soon, fellows!
Keep reading, 'cause I'm getting pretty good at these small notes.
XOXO Mette.
Till now, it's been the best experience of my life, it's an amazing opportunity and I'm so thankful for me getting it! And I'm even so lucky that this was only the beginning, I'm only halfway through!
I'll see you again quite soon, fellows!
Keep reading, 'cause I'm getting pretty good at these small notes.
XOXO Mette.
7. januar 2010
Finally I get something back from the weather!
It's 6.50 am. and I'm NOT on my way to school : D
We have a 2-hour delay because of the snow, so they can fix the roads before all these High School kids come out and drive on them, nice!
Finally it's a little better to suffer in the cooold weather!
We have a 2-hour delay because of the snow, so they can fix the roads before all these High School kids come out and drive on them, nice!
Finally it's a little better to suffer in the cooold weather!
5. januar 2010
Sorry.. I was wrong. 5 months today :-)
But now I'm writing anyway I'll add that I found my excuse for not coming home again today. I heard on the radio that a Danish homepage ( or something) had deleted 5000 people from their page after the people had gained weight over Christmas, so.. When I get to Denmark and have gained weight you'll probably kick me out :-)
So I'll just not come home.
Just need a new Visa :-P
Take care!
Hug an exchange student today! (It's that day today)
Mette - Mettie - Maddie - Mad - Mett - Matte or whatever people think my name is, when they see it for the first time.
But now I'm writing anyway I'll add that I found my excuse for not coming home again today. I heard on the radio that a Danish homepage ( or something) had deleted 5000 people from their page after the people had gained weight over Christmas, so.. When I get to Denmark and have gained weight you'll probably kick me out :-)
So I'll just not come home.
Just need a new Visa :-P
Take care!
Hug an exchange student today! (It's that day today)
Mette - Mettie - Maddie - Mad - Mett - Matte or whatever people think my name is, when they see it for the first time.
4. januar 2010
New Year. New Semester. New Classes. New People. New Start? NEW!
It's January 4th, in case you didn't know. Look how good I am at the whole 'updating-my-blog'! I should be proud, ha ha.
Today school started again.
My schedule now looks like:
1st (7.30-8.20) Jewelry - hopefully they'll have my schedule changed AWAY from that by tomorrow, 'cause I would rather have a study hall/teacher's assistant class than being in this class with the most boring teacher (after my U. S. History teacher), hearing him calling me Maddie every day, and.. getting another final over stuff I've never learned?
2nd (8.25-9.29) Sociology - (longer because of the Chanel 1 news, the last 15. minutes). The teacher seemed Really nice and said my name right without me even saying it first! It's the first teacher doing that over here :-) but I think it's gonna be a hard(er) class. Nice though, feel like I need some challenge.
3rd (9.34-10.24) Speech I - also seems like a nice class, the teacher is the drama/theater art teacher too and the teacher for the drama club and she's really nice :-) I think it's gonna be fun!
4th (10.29-11.19) U. S. History - same old teacher, same old notes, worksheets, assignments... or not the same information, but the same kind of style. Boring! And now they're making his old room into a "21st century room" - nobody really knows what - and he's just in what ever room is free that period. 107 for me. I went to 212 as my schedule said, but there was nobody there - nice!
5th (11.24-12.14) English 11 - same teacher, same, same, same.. Fine class, not very hard.
12.14-12.44 - 3rd LUNCH : D somebody "stole" "our" table! We'll get it back tomorrow ;-)
6ts (12.49-13.39) Algebra I - still 7th grade math. I'm thinking about whether I should be in there still or not. It's so easy and kinda boring, but I do wanna have some kinda math. and don't wanna change my whole schedule around if I can't get another math. class in that period.
7th (13.44-14.34) Choir - still easy choir and not very good-sounding, but now I'm in "Verbalessence" which is another girls group meeting every Monday after school. We started today, and it's cool! Almost everybody is from the two top choirs and we're singing all the music our self. It was just cool :-) So now I'm in a bad choir and a good choir :-P
We sing this song in the new choir (click here to hear it) All the "dums" in the background will be us singing too :-)
So that's my day - every day - 18 more weeks. Only.......... :-(
I would wish there was a way I could stay just one more year. There's so many cool things going on at school next year, and I wouldn't mind staying. But I would like to see everybody at home too.... I don't know, I just.. Maybe going home right before Christmas next year :-) That would fit me better :-P
Tomorrow I've been here for 6 months! Feels like.. 6 weeks? No, it seems like I've been here forever and then on the other side it seems like I just arrived.
But it's been a good half year! Bring ups and downs and little bumps in the road, but nothing major and over all it's been one of the best half years of my life, something I'll Never forget!
If somebody reading this is ever considering it - do it!
That's all I have to say for now.
Take care everybody, see you soon!
(Pretty sure I'm leaving here on June 23rd and will be in Denmark by June 24th)
XOXO Mette
P.S. It's only -9 C now.... ONLY? It's gonna be a long winter!
It's January 4th, in case you didn't know. Look how good I am at the whole 'updating-my-blog'! I should be proud, ha ha.
Today school started again.
My schedule now looks like:
1st (7.30-8.20) Jewelry - hopefully they'll have my schedule changed AWAY from that by tomorrow, 'cause I would rather have a study hall/teacher's assistant class than being in this class with the most boring teacher (after my U. S. History teacher), hearing him calling me Maddie every day, and.. getting another final over stuff I've never learned?
2nd (8.25-9.29) Sociology - (longer because of the Chanel 1 news, the last 15. minutes). The teacher seemed Really nice and said my name right without me even saying it first! It's the first teacher doing that over here :-) but I think it's gonna be a hard(er) class. Nice though, feel like I need some challenge.
3rd (9.34-10.24) Speech I - also seems like a nice class, the teacher is the drama/theater art teacher too and the teacher for the drama club and she's really nice :-) I think it's gonna be fun!
4th (10.29-11.19) U. S. History - same old teacher, same old notes, worksheets, assignments... or not the same information, but the same kind of style. Boring! And now they're making his old room into a "21st century room" - nobody really knows what - and he's just in what ever room is free that period. 107 for me. I went to 212 as my schedule said, but there was nobody there - nice!
5th (11.24-12.14) English 11 - same teacher, same, same, same.. Fine class, not very hard.
12.14-12.44 - 3rd LUNCH : D somebody "stole" "our" table! We'll get it back tomorrow ;-)
6ts (12.49-13.39) Algebra I - still 7th grade math. I'm thinking about whether I should be in there still or not. It's so easy and kinda boring, but I do wanna have some kinda math. and don't wanna change my whole schedule around if I can't get another math. class in that period.
7th (13.44-14.34) Choir - still easy choir and not very good-sounding, but now I'm in "Verbalessence" which is another girls group meeting every Monday after school. We started today, and it's cool! Almost everybody is from the two top choirs and we're singing all the music our self. It was just cool :-) So now I'm in a bad choir and a good choir :-P
We sing this song in the new choir (click here to hear it) All the "dums" in the background will be us singing too :-)
So that's my day - every day - 18 more weeks. Only.......... :-(
I would wish there was a way I could stay just one more year. There's so many cool things going on at school next year, and I wouldn't mind staying. But I would like to see everybody at home too.... I don't know, I just.. Maybe going home right before Christmas next year :-) That would fit me better :-P
Tomorrow I've been here for 6 months! Feels like.. 6 weeks? No, it seems like I've been here forever and then on the other side it seems like I just arrived.
But it's been a good half year! Bring ups and downs and little bumps in the road, but nothing major and over all it's been one of the best half years of my life, something I'll Never forget!
If somebody reading this is ever considering it - do it!
That's all I have to say for now.
Take care everybody, see you soon!
(Pretty sure I'm leaving here on June 23rd and will be in Denmark by June 24th)
XOXO Mette
P.S. It's only -9 C now.... ONLY? It's gonna be a long winter!
2. januar 2010
It's cooooooold!!
First.. I lied last time; I ended up going to the YFU party at New Years and it was okay. We had a little fireworks at midnight and then we watched movies, played games and.. talked? I didn't sleep to much, both because we didn't and because the bit we did, I slept in a chair all crumpled up. I tried to lay on the floor instead, but it only lasted a little while, then it got too cold. It was a fun night, okay at least, but nothing like we celebrate New Years Eve in Denmark of course.. That's life :-)
So when I got picked up on Friday, I went straight to Lauren's house and spent the night there. Today I got back home and got a shower before I was supposed to leave for babysitting in the evening. (I had a couple of hours at home first), but the plans changed and we (me and Miranda) didn't need to babysit anyway. I baked some brownies and cup cakes in small Danish-flagged forms.
So I just wanted to say that real fast :-)
Other than that.. It's really cold!
The warmest I've seen today was -9 C at like 2pm.
Now it's almost 11pm and -16 C! (3 F) And it's getting colder... Oh, how I'm not looking forward to the next couple of months - or how I'm looking forward to spend them INSIDE. And I always thought the Danish winters was cold, but I changed my mind :-)
Remind me not to complain about the cold next year, and not to complain about getting up at.. 6.30? In the mornings. Just remind me of -16 degrees at January 2nd and getting up at 5.30, then I'll probably not complain (maybe I will.. I know myself - I'll probably come up with an excuse for still complaining) Ha ha.
Otherwise, stay warm, enjoy, take care, have fun, smile - laugh, and write me some updates even though I might not have the time to write back. Who knows, some day I might :-) He he.
Love, hugs and warm thoughts, Mette
So when I got picked up on Friday, I went straight to Lauren's house and spent the night there. Today I got back home and got a shower before I was supposed to leave for babysitting in the evening. (I had a couple of hours at home first), but the plans changed and we (me and Miranda) didn't need to babysit anyway. I baked some brownies and cup cakes in small Danish-flagged forms.
So I just wanted to say that real fast :-)
Other than that.. It's really cold!
The warmest I've seen today was -9 C at like 2pm.
Now it's almost 11pm and -16 C! (3 F) And it's getting colder... Oh, how I'm not looking forward to the next couple of months - or how I'm looking forward to spend them INSIDE. And I always thought the Danish winters was cold, but I changed my mind :-)
Remind me not to complain about the cold next year, and not to complain about getting up at.. 6.30? In the mornings. Just remind me of -16 degrees at January 2nd and getting up at 5.30, then I'll probably not complain (maybe I will.. I know myself - I'll probably come up with an excuse for still complaining) Ha ha.
Otherwise, stay warm, enjoy, take care, have fun, smile - laugh, and write me some updates even though I might not have the time to write back. Who knows, some day I might :-) He he.
Love, hugs and warm thoughts, Mette
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