31. december 2009

Happy New Year

Just wanted to wish everybody a Happy New Year.
I know it's already 2010 in Denmark, but I still have a couple of hours.

I just came home from skiing.
I only fell the first time, 'cause it was scary and so I sad down.. Not really falling.
And then one other time, but it was when I came down the hill :-P
It was fun to try, but I stayed on the smaller hills, ha ha.

It's almost 8pm.
There was a YFU party, but I didn't know what time we would be done skiing and stuff, so I didn't go - obviously :-)
So I'm staying here. Some of Mike's friends are probably coming over and doing some fireworks and then I'm gonna see the "Apple Fall" in TV from Times Square, New York City at midnight. Apple vs. Rådhusuret :-)
I don't really know.
It's weird missing out on the Danish traditions (and for the 2nd time in my life, not having New Years with Nanna) but it's still a fun experience and I don't regret it in any way! It's amazing.
And in a half year I'll be back in little Denmark again - kinda crazy to think about?

Anyways - again have a good night and a good start of the New Year.
Take care of yourself and don't get in trouble :-)

2010-Hugs from Indiana, USA

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