22. juni 2010

Last day...

Today is my last day in Indiana, my last day in the USA - at least for now.
I don't think I've ever felt so empty in a way; not feeling anything. Why not? I don't know what to feel! It's like yesterday when I was in Kastrup saying goodbye, and tomorrow I'll have to do the same thing, only difference; this time I don't know when I'll see you again.
It's gone by so fast.
There was a time in the winter when I was half way through and thought it'd been a long time, but looking back over the year it just flew by!
And then now I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to feel. I've tried to pack down a life that I won't get back again, but there won't ever be suitcases big enough to carry this experience. At this point, being an exchange student is the best decision I have ever made, and I wouldn't take it back for Anything!
I feel happy. Happy for being here, happy for the opportunity, happy for everything I've gotten from this, but at the same time I'm so sad that I have to give it up now - it's too early. I'm excited, because I get to see everybody again so soon, but nervous for the change. Everything I feel has an opposite I feel too, and it makes me feel empty; not feeling anything.
I'm just gonna enjoy the last hours I have in this amazing place before the horrible day tomorrow is going to be. And then Thursday I'm home.....

See you soon.
Love, Mette.

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